
Just a quick poll, are the labour party good for the UK ?

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i try my best DMS :)




  1. The Labour Party are the only ones who represent the UK. The Tories are just an english party.

  2. No worse than any others, they all look after themselves first....

  3. No!

  4. If you really have to ask this I am pretty sure you don't live over here.

    A bit like asking is stabbing yourself in the eye good for your vision?

  5. No - never have been never will be.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha thump

    That's me falling off my chair by the way!

    Good for the UK!  Oh, that's a good one.  Best joke I've heard in ages.

  7. yes, if you are from scotland,wales or n.ireland. a disaster if you are from england, all there senior figures hate(yes, hate) the english

  8. The state of the country seems to be getting worse every year and the outlook for the economic future is very depressing. But could any other government turn things around? They should all take massive pay cuts because the amount they get is criminal.

  9. Plain and simple. No.

  10. Al Quaeda are probably better for Britain than the labour party.

  11. Utter rubbish; even the BNP could do better (if actually allowed to speak in our "democracy").

  12. New Labour are on the borrow now. and I think they will use this money as a sweetener for a general election next year.

  13. At the moment no.  But then I can't see any other party doing much better.  They can all talk the talk and tell us how they will fix this situation and that one, but when reality comes into play its a different story.

    I've always been a Labour supported, but I'm disgusted with them now and I can't see the Tories doing much better.

    I was one of the few that wanted to give Gordon Brown a chance to prove his mettle, but what a disaster.

    Perhaps it is time to give the reins to the Tories and see what they can do.  It's a sad time in politics indeed.

  14. All promises but not enough action, and Gordon Brown sucked all through his time in government - he trashed our pensions and gave away our gold reserves during the good times, now he's doing naff all for us during the bad times.

  15. Is Christmas good for turkeys??

  16. No. Enough said.

  17. They were for a while - but they seem to be dropping the ball a bit.

    They've eliminated a lot of waste from the internals of government, but they've also governed the country during a period where there are more foreigners working in our country, than there are unemployed people (i.e. if we didn't have foreign workers we could have 100% employment)...

  18. Well, In my line of work, no.

    I'm in the RAF and during the reign of the Labour party the RAF was drastically downsized. Many useful and loved bases were closed, including the one I was based at. We're overworked and understaffed and I feel that it's Labour's fault.

    Also, the level of immigration has saturated our workforce and our Country. We need to sort this problem out or extreme parties like the UKIP and BNP are going to get stronger.

  19. Simple answer is yes.

    What have Labour done for the people over the years?

    NHS, Welfare State, Minimum Wage, votes at 18, and lots more besides.

  20. If rotted for compost, the Labour Party would serve the country; I can think of no other way.

  21. no... evidently

  22. No

  23. well they are good for the middle classes. me and my minimum wage workers have just subsidised them to the tune of 2.7 billion pounds lucky you and they call us scroungers

  24. They are appalling. The UK has the lowest social mobility since records began & the highest discrepancy between rich & poor.

    Let alone the tax & waste polices.

  25. It's fair to say that the Labour Party have done many good things for the people of this country in many different ways but I mean the Labour Party not this collection of bluffers and chancers who have proved they couldn't run a corner shop much less U.K. Ltd. The one thing that Labour have always failed at is the economy they spend taxpayers money like a drunken sailor.

  26. No.

    I remember the last time they got in power. Ruined the economy within months.

    They did the same this time but covered it up very well. It is only starting to sink in to the hardened labour voters what a bunch of crooks they are.

    brown, when he was chancelor sold the countrys' gold reserve to try and even the books a bit. Only at the time gold was at its lowest price.

    Why do they keep giving third world countries loads of money?

    If labour is the answer, it was a pretty stupid question.

  27. Excellent and timely question.! Iv'e been waiting a long time for one like this to answer.!

    All the uk parties are absolutely useless when it comes to improving the lives of the working class which most of us are and who keep this Islang moving. The royals, nobles and wealthy

    bunch who inherited their estates and titles,etc. Never really work or pay much in taxes and the established party mp's do nothing for the betterment of the majority here. (Even asylum seekers like one in Cambridgeshire one who got thrown out of Kenya manage to get elected over uk born citizens.!)  They all have special interests and take care of their own prosperity and advancements, always have, always will.(Like continuous self pay and expenses raises) Our best bet is to elect fresh, independent mp's who have no electoral obligations other than to their constituents. If I had the organization and backing behind me and was elected, I for one would go all out to voice the REAL concerns of the silent majority and push for LONG OVERDUE changes.! Specifically to curb immigration and limit it to skilled people we need, ERADICATE VIOLENT CRIME ! (Whatever it takes) and make this Island a safe streets, pleasant livable environment again) And to take care of OUR OWN people 1st.!

  28. No they have been ruinous.

    They have taxed people more and spent the money raised unwisely. Lots of the money that has gone into health and education has been wasted, with more managers chasing paperwork to meet stupid targets - not on doctors, nurses, teachers at the coalface.

    The have increased the number of Civil Servants that sit on committees and quangos so costing more and preventing actions from happening. For example the number of Of... committees that produce reports complaining about something but that have no authority.

    They have ruled over a time when crime has run out of control - we are now at 21 fatal stabbings in London alone this year. But they massage figures to show the crime rate falling.

    They have committed us to two wars that we cannot win but that has united terrorists against us. We have had Government spin and stories that are obviously untrue. Also they have ensured that their MPs will make a fortune at our expense.

    Time for a change - NOW

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