
Just a random question but?

by  |  earlier

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where would you like to travel in the world that you havnt been to, and why?




  1. california good beaches traveling camping

  2. Australia. I only know it from television and it looks beautiful. I'm sure I would love the nature.

    And Africa as well. Same reason, plus in Africa, they have less stress than we do in our 'Western world'.

  3. China.

    My dad went there for 1 1/2 months and he loved it and he said when we get the money he would take my brother and myself there. The culture is amazing and the food--GREAT.  

  4. Paris or hawaii i here its beautiful and i know i will go to does places at one point of my life. I have confidence in myself! HBU were would u lik 2go?

  5. i've wanted to visit greece since my first history class in elementary school. the history is amazing, and the sights are unbelievable.

  6. back to France...

  7. japan just because of all the culture, it's just amazing :D

    the same thing with germany, specifically because i'm learning german


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