
Just a simple poll...

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Rich but ugly


Poor but good looking?




  1. Beauty is skin deep Gold last almost forever .

  2. Rich but ugly because when you're rich you can change everything you don't like about your face and body.

  3. poor and good looking

  4. Poor and good looking.

    Of course, that describes me!

    Thanks for asking! :)

  5. Jeez,I instantly changed my mind.Poor and good looking!It's to do with the sense of self, I don't know.

  6. poor but good looking

  7. I wanna be like those hippies I see in the park: poor and good-looking, not rich and ugly like the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

  8. poor but good looking

    we can work on the poor but the ugly is kinda permanent

  9. Poor and good looking beause good looks = model contract = money =P

  10. O.K. - Rich = Me dating supermodels. So I prefer to be rich. And I would be if I just weren't do darn good

    That's what you girls really want too, you just don't admit it.

    Bigger diamond, happier woman....

  11. Rich but ugly

  12. I'd rather NOT be rich OR attractive but attractive draws the most troubling attention, so I'll suffer with being rich.

  13. poor but good looking. i would get a good job and give her lots of money.

  14. If you think Tommy Lee is ugly, if you think Mick Jagger is ugly... then I wanna be rich like them!

  15. but ugly, gets me what i want with ca$h...

  16. Both are trivial and materialistic and self centered. Why would it matter if I was rich poor, ugly or beutiful. To be ugly or beautiful is to care what others think based on looks which is in itself a little egotistic, but to be rich and poor is materialistic, but being rich would allow more happiness than being poor? Or would being more pretty make you happy?

    I'd rather be rich and ugly since I could just get a mask to wear for others sake or maybe get plastic surgery.
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