
Just a story, I thought must be shared... Put in your views.........?

by  |  earlier

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A girl & a boy were in love.

Girl was blind. She always used to say"If i get my eyesight, i'll marry u".

One fine day, after an operation... The eyesight was enlightened again. She was on air.She was so happy to see again.

But to her surprise.. The boy was blind. She was shocked.Earth under her feet shattered.

She was Not ready to accept him. She said"i know the plight of being blind, i cant take care of your blindness. i wont marry move on your way, & i'll be on mine. Thanks for being with me all those times."

The boy said nothing much, he just kissed her eyes and said"i'll leave but my eyes will be with you forever. Always be happy .Take care.Bye"

And he left...




  1. makes you think, doesn't it. thanks for that.

  2. Few problems with that story, there is no operation to restore eyesight in a person (as i know of), and how the h**l do TWO blind people hang out? (Without having an aid or something and by then they'd both know they were) It's really impossible, and the story sorta pisses me off.

    OH h**l, that makes much more sense then! Lol, that's pretty creative then xD My bad, but still thats even more of a p**s off.

  3. It might not be realistic, but it's a cute story. My thoughts: the girl was an ungrateful and unloyal b*tch...the guy was probably too good for her anyway.  

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