
Just a stupid question I need help figuring out?

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Ok in my civics class today my history teacher was talking about how by this age we should know what political party we are going to register with because some of us are going to be able to vote in this up coming electin for the first time. The problem is i really don't know which one i want to register as! anygood internet sites or something i can decide which party i can register with? I know this is stupid so please don't harass me about it but i really don't know cause i am not into polotics and never watch the news! Any suggestions?




  1. it is better to vote for a person you agree with other than a political party.  The parties are just like saying girl power, or boys are better... The rationalization is vague.

    Depending on who you talk to you will find that some say vote democrat, they're for bringing the troops home and taking care of the people.  

    Republicans on the other hand are supposedly war mongers who want nothing more than to help the rich get richer, and steal from middle class and forget about the poor.

    Those are nothing more than opinions based on persons who have held those political posts in the past.

    As others have recommended, go to the sites of each candidate and make your decision based on their platforms and not whether they are dem or republican.

    I also suggest you talk to your civics teacher about the electoral college and you may even change your mind about how important your individual vote is.  Make him explain it to you completely.

    Good luck!

  2. You could probably start by looking at each of the candidate's websites. That would be a good place to at least start. Then google something like McCain policies, or Obama policies. Things like that. And you should get a better understanding. I recommend voting Democrat, but you probably shouldn't listen to me.  

  3. You don't need to register with any one particular party, as long as you register to vote.  Most people nowadays don't vote strictly for one party, but for whatever candidate seems most fit for the job.  I'm not talking about just the presidential election, either, much of the country DOES stick with one party or the other.

    And try this-  If you seem to agree more with Obama, you're probably Democrat.  If you seem to side with Bush or Mccain [[  :p  ]], you're probably Republican...  or just misled ;)  I'm just kidding...  Let the thumbs down fly!!   :)

  4. Well, when you ask complete strangers about YOUR political views, it's kind of hard to get a good answer. Pick whichever one you agree with more. It's that simple.

  5. Maybe you can look at wikipedia and see what the general stances are for Democrats and Republicans.  I don't want to influence your choice, so this should give you at least a general idea of what you need to know.

    This isn't a stupid question, I'm really into politics but my mom sometimes gets confused about which party is which...

  6. register as a independent.

  7. You can register for any party, int the same place.  Just use google to find a site.  (There are tons - this year - but you can always register through your county clerk's office:  that is who keeps voter records.)

    What you need to do is to study the parties.  Since you are on internet, go to the party websites and see what they say.  You might also try googling "political parties" or "political parties of the US" and see if that is helpful.

    The two major parties are the Republicans and the Democrats.  I believe Stonewall Jackson was the first president who was a Democrat.  Abe Lincoln was the first Republican president.  What the parties stand for goes through some shift over time, but the two major parties have been relatively stable for quite a while.

    For now, you need to find out a littel and be sure to regoster in time, which is soon.  You can always reregister later, and may even be able to get a new registration form where you vote.

    You really don't have to worry about your party for this election, because it is a presidential one.  In the primaries, you only vote for nonpartisan offices and measures, plus people from your party.  In the presidential election, you get all the names on the ballot.

    I would suggest you put all of your election materials together, a lot will come in the mail if you register soon enough.  If you don't get a lot, maybe you can get someone else to save theirs for you.  Then - keep reading as you go, but probably by the time the election is through, you will have a better idea of what the parties stand for.

  8. There is no reason to join any political party in order to vote.  You have to register with a political party om prder to vote in primaries.  Take your time.  

  9. you can register as undeclared

    or be a Libertarian, which is almost the same thing

  10. I think your history teacher is mostly correct.  It's very important to keep up with current events.  As for registering with a party, it's not required in order to vote.  In fact, I recommending throwing the party philosophy out the window and really studying each candidate.  If you blindly vote along party lines, then you shouldn't be voting.  The problem is, you can't vote in the primaries unless you register with a party.  The good news is, you can register, vote in the primary, and then unregister or register as an Independent.  If you'd like to learn more about the parties and their candidates, you can look up their history or visit their official websites.  Good luck!

  11. borack is democrat

    mccain is republican

    all black people are democrats because they support low income,welfare and stuff like that. not that all blacks are poor just saying

    republican is the opposite 0pinion

  12. You are not alone, I am 36 years old and I am at a blank. I have beliefs and they do not match with anybody. Good luck!

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