
Just about to go for a golf comp. match Play. What would your 1 handy winning tip be.?

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Just about to go for a golf comp. match Play. What would your 1 handy winning tip be.?




  1. Try to just keep throwing pars at your opponent, this means he has to make birdie to win a hole.  Play safe shots if you can whenever he is in trouble.  Be patient.

  2. Give all gimmees of two to four feet.

    Then when the pressure is on, you don't. See if he makes the putt!!!

  3. Spend more time @ the range and less time on Yahoo Answers

  4. Know the rules.  Make sure you don't give your opponent any excuse to claim a hole, equally, watch for any opportunity for you to use them to your advantage.

  5. I got this advice from a PGA Tour pro in a golf magazine.

    Early in the match, play more aggressive, playing for birdies, but without giving away holes. Once you are up be something like 2-up or 3-up, then start playing fairways and greens. If you keep hitting greens in regulation, then your opponent will start thinking he has to make birdies. He'll play more aggressive, and he will make some mistakes.

    Also concede some putts early. Once you're coming down the stretch, he'll think you will give him the putts. Don't concede 3-footers late in the round, so he'll have a bunch of pressure 3-footers just to halve the hole.

    Oh, another thing. If you are getting a stroke on a hole, play for par on that hole. That will force you opponent to make birdie just for a halve. Just don't get lazy when you're swinging. Think "playing aggresively to a conservative target"

    I hope this helps! Good Luck!

  6. always stay focused, dont let you mind wander and start thinking about what your going to do if you win

    hope this helps

  7. just played a game on Saturday.

    Attack when possible, defend when necessary.

    Always try to win the hole - never expect your opponent to lose it (even when it looks like they've blown it).

    However, NEVER EVER gift your opponent a hole by trying an impossible shot from a safe position. (If you're in trouble then you probably have nothing to lose with this shot)

    And always have belief.  I was 3 down after 3 on Saturday, then 3 down after 6.  This became 1 up through 10.  Never start doubting yourself as this will only cause unforced errors.  Also never try to second guess your opponent.

    Play your own game. eg if you are a short hitter use it to your advantage by hitting the green in two first.

  8. when you tee-off first go for accuracy and not as much distance. puts more pressure on your opponent

  9. Make sure you hit the ball

  10. Don't look at your opponents swing to size him up. An abnormal swing just means he's worked harder than everyone else to get where he is. Prepare like you're playing Tiger Woods. Be ready for anything.

  11. try a bribe

  12. Beat up the other players with your golf clubs !!!

    Just kidding, but good luck..

  13. whenever playing in a match play you need to get yourself in a zone and stay in it. work out your oppanents weakness's and use them to the best of your ability... but never give up because you never know what the other person is going to do.... its not over till its over....

    good luck

  14. percentage golf

  15. dont play risky shots, just make sure you hit the fairway, also when going for the green, remember the hazards are normaly at the front of the green so dont be short, better to go longer, dont think about winning or you will put too much pressure on yourself. when i won my first comp, my drive wasnt straight, so i left my driver behind on purpose and used my 3 wood to drive, hop you do well and hope this helps, good luck

  16. Play the man not the course

  17. HI Pip,

    I've got two handy winning tips for you:-

    1. Book a half hour session with the pro at the driving range the day before the match.

    2. Get the right mind set!

    If you ask any serious golfer he will tell you that 80% of golf is in the mind; there is a set of audio discs I use that teach subliminal messaging as a golf training aid. it might sound a bit off the wall, but it works! I recommend it wholeheartedly -

    Good luck in your match, keep your head down!


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