
Just adopted a pup from the shelter, and hes a little sick this morning?

by Guest10694  |  earlier

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I just adopted a puppy (about 6 months) from the shelter last night. He had a busy day after I adopted him because he was infested with fleas. we had to give him a cap star, a very long flea bath and some front line. I got him some puppy food (royal canine) and then gave him a good amount of treats. This morning when we woke up he threw up 3 times. the first two was the food from last night and the third was just mucas. He is tired but only because i took him for a walk this morning. He isnt very hyper and his p**p is whole. Anything I should be concered about?




  1. I would imagine it is stress from the change of environment.  

    Keep on eye on him, though, and call your vet if any issues continue to persist.

  2. It could be from the place you bought him from. If it was unhealthy and sleazy, you should start giving him extra care.

    To be honest, there's not much information an untrained person can give. I'd start by contacting your local vet and listening to them. He may not be used to the food or environment.

    Additionally, I'd suggest you neuter him if you don't already plan on doing so. It will make him less territorial and friendlier. Good luck! Dogs are great pets!

  3. Did he eat grass? Did you change his food completely? This can cause dogs to have very upset stomachs. Also, I'm not sure what cap star is (maybe a heart worm pill) but if it's also something else for fleas then it may have been too many chemicals at once. He could also be extremely anxious right now in a new home. It's good to take him out but not for long periods of time right now. He needs to learn first that he can trust you wherever you take him. You guys need to bond. If he keeps throwing up though you definetly need to take him to a vet.

  4. You should take your puppy to a vet to have a check up. Most shelters require this, but of course all have different policies. The animal shelter in my area takes your adopted dog/puppy/cat/kitten to the vet of your course and you have to pick them up there. But anyway, it is always a good idea requardless of where you get your pet from to take him to the vet to have a check up.

    Good Luck

  5. I would suggest you take the dog to the vet to get a check up, especially as the shelter let you bring the dog home having flees.  Most shelters take care of all that before the dog can even be considered for adoption.  The vet needs to check him out and the vet should be able to tell you if anything else is wrong.  This should be done with every pet when you get it but especially if they didn't take care of the flees it would make me wonder what else they didn't treat.

  6. It could, be shock or Anxiety where its just been adopted and moved about. Take him to the vets, he could of caught something.  

  7. Feed him the food that the shelter has been feeding him.

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