
Just after some sympathy, trying for a 2nd baby, having period pains but a week late

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we have been trying for our second for 3 months now, so depressing, i forgot how frustrating it was trying and waiting.

I am a week late, and am having period pains, just like im about to start my period, but i am sooo hoping it is just uterus stretching etc. has anyone been through this when u get period pains but still pregnant? my first one i felt nothing just was late.




  1. do not worry that i'm a guy...

    my wife went through the same thing,

    alot of women go through this so dont worry.

    if the pain is un-bearable then see your local doctor

    but you should have a perfecly normal baby

    good  luck!

  2. yes didnt think i was pregnant becoz i was gettin period pains but my friend forced me to take the test and it came out positive and and also around the time im suppose to get my period i still get the cramps

    gud luck...

  3. you should be late enough that a hpt would work. going through the same thing. my period should of started the 3rd or 4th. but it hasn't.. my last period was weird, i got the mild cramps you get at the end at the beginning and the ones you get the first couple days i got at the end. then after that i've been cramping on and off, sometimes more on then off nothing real bad, some as bad as the cramps i get on my period, but manly mild and irritating. i feel like its been ready to start for weeks. so I'm hoping that i am pregnant, but i want to wait to test to make sure my period isn't coming i don't want to get a negative , and then start. if not i have to find out why i was cramping so long. i have before but nothing like this. nothing this often and strong, just the normal before you start, and when you ovulate. i felt the same way when i was pregnant, didn't have the baby.. best of luck to me and you, hopefully this is our month!,,  

  4. maybe your uterus widening or decidual bleeding or implantation bleeding something common in early pregnancy.. Im pregnant right now and have recently been through the same. However, it was decidual bleeding which messes up pregnancy tests because your hormones go out of wack..

  5. Take a can get cramping ... implantation..sometimes can be painful....GOOD LUCK!!!!! =)

  6. Yes definetly, I have 4 kids and with all of them I had period pain, some worse than others but I remember constantly going to the loo cause it felt so much like I was going to get them, it is very normal. Best way to know is go and buy a test and find out for sure.  Goodluck, hope you get your bundle of joy.

  7. it sounds like your pregnant, id do a test and congratulations if you are,xx

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