
Just another period question. ?

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I seriously JUST started my period today. I went to the bathroom and saw in my undies that there was like brown weird stuff so I thew those undies out and I finally figured out that I got my period. Lol. I know where my mom keeps the pads and tampons and stuff so I just went and took a pad, put it in my undies, blah blah. But I didn't tell her. I feel bad for not telling her, but tomorrow I think I'm going to. The thing is, I'm embarrassed. I know, I should tell her, and I will, but how should I tell her? And in school, we have a swimming unit (yes, we have a pool and everything) and I might have my period when we do that unit. What should I do? I don't really want to use tampons, idk why, but I think I should. I'm just really happy that I didn't get it when I was at school! Haha, well answer these please!!!!




  1. Just ask your mum if you could have some pads 'cos you got your period.  She will be fine with it.  I am a mum and I know it can be sorta embarrassing but she will be expecting this to happen oneday so just get it over and done with.  Mums want to help their daughters.  Most girls find pads easiest to start with and then try tampons later on.  Swimming is usually the reason for us wanting to use tampons and they can be tricky at first but after a few tries you should be ok..  

  2. well when i got my period for the first time i had it very heavy and i relized it when i was in the bathroom so how i told my mom was i asked her to grab me another pair of jeans and undies.and she simply asked why and if i was okay. and i said yeah but i just got my period and she brought me back a pad and blah blah blah...

    and what you might want to do is just use pads for a while and then try tampons before you start your  swimming unit.

    i tried tampons right away but i couldnt figure out how to get them in correctly and they hurt. so just get used to having your period and stuff first then use tampons its much easier.

    i hope i helped. and good luck.

  3. when swimming, use a tampon.

    yeah i know you really dont want to but your not suppose to wear pads in a swimming pool.

    lol. i started for my first time today too.

  4. You should talk to your mom so she can help you when you have questions about how to use tampons, things like that.  Also, so she can make sure to have enough "supplies" in the house for both of you...imagine how bad that would suck if she used the last pad or tampon and didn't know you needed some too!  Don't be embarrassed, it's part of every woman's life.  She's a woman too, so I'm sure she will be understanding that you are embarrassed.  Trust me, 3 months from now it will be nothing to be embarrassed about, just something else in life to irritate you!  LOL

  5. Talk to your mom :)

    My mom was happy I did and she will be able to answer your questions.

    Nothing to be embarrassed about!

    Good luck!

  6. just say mom aunt flow has decided to visit me trust me shell catch your drift and just try tampons I've never heard a girl who doesn't really like them. Pads are like sitting in a bloody diaper haha good luck

    Hope I helped

  7. I was so straight forward about it.


    I was just all

    Mom I'm bleeding.

    And she's all.



    But yeah I left.


  8. dude if u hav a phone then text her and say sry u had 2 txt her but its 2 awk...thats wat i did...n u dont want 2 run out at home...that would ya...  it happend 2 me at school and it sukd 2 hav 2 go 2 the nurse and ask 4 a pad...TELL UR MOM! sux rly bad otherwise.  n staart w. a pad till u get sum sort of a schedule(a few times) and then start with tampons.  they are hard at first if you dont get how 2 use u hav the swim unit and no tampons then get a note from a parent 4 the teach.  they will undrstand...n if it was brown that could be bad so u def hav 2 talk 2 ur woulld be better...and i so get where ur comin from with the whole embarrased thing...she will go insane and giv u kisses and hugs and be all aww ur growin up 2 be such a fine young lady! but it just means that she loves you and you shouldnt keep this from her...its not fair 2 her(she will be so happy if u tell her and crushed wen u get busted and she will think u dont trust her) or 2 u who will feel guilty every time u get it from now on...i know bc the same thing happened 2 me and i didnt tell her 4 a while and i felt bad every time i got it but when i finally told her she was cool with it and happy...oh yeah...did i mention that when i told her i was on my was 2 get my physical/checkup and i had my period then and so it was either tell or get busted...and did i mention that my brother(12 yrs old n totally understood evry word of it!) was in the car!...dnt let it come 2 that 4 u!///so ya...hope that enuf good info

  9. yeah... i totally understand that feeling! i love my mom, but i was putting off telling her. i was kinda embaressed about it. when we were at the store, i put some pads in the cart, and she noticed, and figured it out. she couldn't be all happy and make a scene there either. haha... it worked though. she was just like "you got your period?" and that was that. :) it wasnt as akward as i thought it was, so its okay! :) good luck!

  10. your periods will be light so a pad should be okay even in the pool you can wear panties that are tight in the legs for protection and you may skip a few months or one now and then as you get on a cycle. Just say hey mom I got the curse. and laugh as you walk on by.

  11. Congratulations! That's great to see that all your womanly bits are working.Lol.

       I can understand the feeling embarrassed about it but just know that to tell your mum will be a good thing, she will be so proud her little girl is growing up. Tampons are a good idea for those kind of situations but remember to change them every 4-6 hrs so that you don't get sick and also when wearing them at school especially wear a pad or panty liner as well just in case you have a heavy flow.

      You will get to know your cycle pretty soon so remember to write this day down so you can keep track. Usually 21-30 days is the norm between cycles. If you don't want to use tampons and you do have that unit at school maybe your mum can write a note.  

  12. Dude you mom might be like

    aww my little girl is growing up!

    and it really is embarrasing  but shell find out sooner or later

    and tampons arent that bad

    you cant even feel them.

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