
Just as it happened to the USSR, is the USA cracking up?

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OMG, I am voting for Jimmy Buffet and moving to Margarittaville! If we are wasting away, let it be at a beach with plenty of beer and ice. Parrotheads unite! Puck it all and pour me a cold one.




  1. Exactly what the terrorists wanted and we don't see it.

  2. Yes. Things are only going to get worse. No matter who is in office.

    Wanna know the real deal?

    The majority of WE, THE PEOPLE are for helping out the poor and middle class, but we're not too bright in that we keep electing rich criminals to represent us... the poor and middle class. Essentially, we're electing who the media parades in front of us, when they are all bought and paid for many times over.

    It's all about getting into power, staying there, and milking us out of our tax dollars. The politicians are beholden to the lobbyists, special interest groups, and multinational corporations. In the politician's quest to retain power, which takes money and the media, they cater not to the American taxpayer, but to the corporations and other groups that fund their campaigns.

    The politicians, the media, the "banksters", and the corporations are all running a big game on us.

    It's a long story, but basically it comes down to this...

    We've been duped.

    We're all running around arguing "left" vs. "right" like either side is going to change things. We need to realize that it's not about left-right any more. It's about the elite vs. the common citizen... you know, the way it inevitably always ends up... throughout history.

    People in the future looking back at us are going to think we were the dumbest group of citizens ever...

    We're running around waving our flags, shouting "We're free! We're free!" while they take way all our rights. We have 1 1/2 times as many people in jail as China, when they have 5 times the population and are considered a totalitarian police state. I bet the whole world is laughing at us.

    They're convincing us to be terrified of "terrorists" when you are more likely to win a million bucks in the lottery than to be killed by a terrorist.

    They're fretting over 3rd world nations with no navy or airforce, while spending more money on our armed forces than all the other nations on earth combined.

    They're bankrupting our nation while borrowing money from communist nations who used to be considered our biggest enemies.

    And you may think it's the neo-cons doing all this... I'm a republican and I don't like the neo-cons either (I voted for Ron Paul)... but if you think that the front-running democrats aren't bought and paid for as well, you are sadly mistaken. I just read today where the Congress, controlled by democrats, has a 9% approval rating.

    What it boils down to is the corporate/political elite are fleecing our country around us... while we vote them in AGAIN with big smiles on our faces.

    We have a 90% reelection rate in our Congress, even though things get worse and worse every year. The Soviets had a 92% reelection rate and they only had one party!

    We live in a fascist police state controlled by a small group of wealthy elite, and our media is owned by this same small group of people. Our media has turned into an Orwellian mind control device meant to keep us in the dark... and entertained... so we don't care what they are doing to us until it is too late.

    What it all boils down to is this...

    We are ruled by the corporation.

    It's not "Of the people, by the people, for the people..." any more.

    It's "Of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corportation."


    Critics equate too much corporate power and influence with fascism. Often they cite a quote claimed to be from Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

    Mussolini was not the only one to recognize this. Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress warned that the growth of private power could lead to fascism:

    "The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

    We are in a fascist state. The quicker people get around to realizing this... the quicker we can fix it. But they don't even realize it's happening because our "news" media is owned by the same corporate powers.

    George Orwell would love to see this sh*t.

    No matter which of the corporate-selected candidates get into office, the average American taxpayer will be SCREWED.

    Check out this video presentation. It explains exactly why our system is BROKEN, and why neither party is going to change it...

    The next decade is going to make the 70's look like a cakewalk.

    Since George Carlin passed on the other day, I'll let him finish my answer...

  3. Many years ago, Stalin said that there was no need to attack the U.S., we would destroy ourselves from within!  Looks like he had the right idea!  We have done a lot to our standing in the world & our situation at home isn't too hot right now, but we can pull ourselves out, if we make the efforts needed to become stable again.  We won't crack up, we are stronger than that, believe me, we will be back!

  4. Things will get better after Senator Obama becomes our President.  We have to be free of Bush and Cheney before the economy will make a noticeable turn-around.  And, it will take some time to clean up the messes they have made and the rest of the world begins to trust and respect us.  We have lost a great deal but,  hopefully, we can retrieve some of the loss!  Meanwhile, there's nothing wrong with a margarita, or two.

  5. Think about what the demise of Captitalism would entail, and you'll know the answer.

    Then you have to ask yourself, "Who won the war?"

  6. Community Currency and Community ATMS. No robbery no banks. A bank is just a storage place anyway. So why not leave what people require where the can get it. Computer Made Money. If people do not criticize for reiterating obvious.

    As the character in The DilbertComic strip would say to put in The Data is blidingly obvious soit should be equally obvious to him is he does not have to work for a corporation he could put in data  to make his own money.

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