
Just ate a fruit packet in asda COVERED in mens perfume/bleach and it has burnt the back of my throat to raw?

by Guest59291  |  earlier

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It seemed like old mens perfume, or something you do the washing up in. It was so strong, as the kiwi had soaked it all up. The excess water in the packet is stinking of it, what can I do? My throat is burnt, and for a few seconds I couldnt breathe.....




  1. Go to your local Casualty Department and take the fruit with you in cling film, so they can see how much you ate.

    Cling film the original wrapper and take that too.

    Ask the Hospital to give you back any samples they do not use. [At least keep the wrapper] But the most important is that they have as much of the contaminant as possible available for their tests.

    Meanwhile tell the Police, let them talk to the store.  


  2. If somthing was on it and it stank than why did you eat but chances are if it smells like mens fragrence it proberly was and i think you should go back to asda and tell them about your problem but i dont think anything would really happen i mean its very unlikely but if your very concerned i think you should go and see your GP or a nurse.

  3. I can't believe that you ate it if the smell was that strong. What you should have done was return it to the store you purchased it from. Anyway, either go to A&E or call NHS direct if you're worried.

  4. id go to the hosp to make sure n kick off with asda keep the thing u ate as proof

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