
Just because I'm feeling philosophical...?

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I just want to see what people have to say about this..=]

If a tree falls in the middle of the woods, and no one's there, does it make a sound?




  1. Of course it does! or does it? Yes, it does because a tree fell and trees are heavy and it would be loud if something heavy hit the ground! No. stop arguing with me , it's obvious that it doesn't because how would you know nobody is there to hear i-

    stop! i hate it when you disagree with me -

    why do you always have to interrupt me!

  2. the philosopher George Berkely wrote: "To be is to be perceived." Therefore, not to be seen or heard is not to be, to be invisible, and to be unreal.

    According to Berkeley, the world consists of nothing but minds and ideas. Ordinary objects are collections of ideas. Already in his discussion of vision, he argued that one learns to coordinate ideas of sight and touch to judge distance, magnitude, and figure, properties which are immediately perceived only by touch. The ideas of one sense become signs of ideas of the other senses. In his philosophical writings, this coordination of regularly occurring ideas becomes the way the world is known and the way humans construct real things. If there are only minds and ideas, there is no place for some scientific constructs. Newtonian absolute space and time disappear. Time becomes nothing but the succession of ideas in individual minds (PHK §98). Motion is entirely object-relative (PHK §§112-117). Science becomes nothing more than a system of natural signs. With the banishing of abstraction, mathematics is reduced to a system of signs in which words or numerals signify other words or numerals (PHK §122). Space is reduced to sensible extension, and since one cannot actually divide a piece of extension into an infinite number of sensible parts, various geometrical paradoxes dissolve. As Berkeley understands them, science and Christian theology become compatible.

  3. i have never got this question. why the **** wouldn't it make a sound, its a tree falling over, it would be a huge crash and the sounds of branches snapping and rustling and stuff, maybe animals screaming and running for their lives.

  4. of course.

  5. Of course it makes sound, but no one hear the sound.

  6. Fact: It is a myth that girls poo.

  7. This age old question is nothing more than semantic gibberish. It depends on how you define sound. Sound might be defined as the human ear interpreting vibrations. If this is what you mean by sound then no it doesn't.

    Sound would more generally mean a vibration propogating through matter (this includes air - don't mean to state the obvious, just avoiding any confusion).

    If you mean the latter then yes it does.

  8. of course, it crys out in pain...

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