
Just because the FDA says Stevia is bad, does anyone use it because they think the FDA is wrong?

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What are your feelings about Stevia or Splenda?




  1. I've been using it for years. It's also used around the world as a sugar substitute. Only in the USA does the FDA force it to not to be sold as such. Yes, you can buy it as a supplement in health food stores but nowhere on the package will you see it say that it's sweet and a sugar substitute.

    I think it's great stuff and would highly recommend it over some synthetic sugar that will likely be found to cause cancer after a few years.

    The FDA has approved many things for sale in recent years and labeled them safe only to find out otherwise a few years later. Do a search and see for yourself.

    Check out the article referenced for more info.

  2. "Japan who saw the beauty of this non-toxic, natural sweetener. They had already banned most artificial sweeteners because they didn't like the use of chemicals in their food supply."

    I wish America didn't like the use of chemicals in our food supply.  

    Back to the question - The FDA has been wrong before and after doing a little research I want to try Stevia.  

  3. Personally, I don't care for synthetic sugars. If the FDA is saying there is something wrong with Splenda, then why would it still on the market?!  

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