
Just because we have a war, do things need to be this way?

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When I say things, I mean gas. How come only because of a war in Iraq our gas prices have gone up so much? A war shouldn't have this kind of impact on our oil, but why do so many people seem to blame the war? Tell me why you think that the war in Iraq is causing this gas to soar so high. I don't get it.

I do get two things, one isit should be cheaper since we are getting free oil from Iraq aren't we?

Two is that I do know that gas can go up because oil fields are being destroyed in Iraq and such and it is harder to ship for fear of attacks, but what else can cause prices to soar because of the war?




  1. You'd think so, but no we aren't getting any free oil from the Iraqis. Which doesn't seem right, if we have 140,000+ soldiers helping to free their country you'd think they'd repay the U.S. however they could.

    But besides that, we don't get a lot of oil from Iraq to begin with. So I have no idea why the war has had such a major impact on oil prices.

  2. Well in one word it is Greed .. besides the war besides the stock market it is pure american greed  

  3. funny, I thought we went to 'liberate' Iraq. Not loot a sovereign nation of it's natural resources.

    Underlying the problem are the twin malignancies of pollution and overpopulation.  The poor planet cannot deal with exploding billions -- billions -- of occupants with an insatiable thirst for raw materials, energy, water, and, of course and ultimately, economic advantage at any cost.

    And the politicos argue about such inanities/insanities as g*y marriage, stem cell research and abortion rights.  g*y marriage should be encouraged and rewarded,  stem cell research hurts no one and benefits people with awful diseases, and the question as to abortion is not whether it should be permitted, but whether it should be required. There are already too many people; children are starving and being slaughtered and horribly treated around the world; senseless, destructive wars are being fought over control of precious resources; human rights are in the garbage can; religious nut cases are strapping explosives to themselves and killing anyone that doesn't agree with their version of divine intent; our own government is spying on us.

    It was long ago demonstrated that if you put a few rats in a cage, they get along fine. If you put a lot of rats in a cage, they begin to fight and bite.

    Yours truly,

    Just Another Rat

  4. Check in to Bush's top donors for election and you will find BIG OIL just today Exxon reported the biggest profit ever reported in history  

  5. Obama's campaign scrapped a side trip to visit wounded American troops at Landstuhl Medical Center, the largest U.S. medical facility outside the United States.

    The Pentagon said that he had clearance to go there, but he had to abide by Defense Department regulations -- which basically means you can't take campaign people and cameras in there to visit wounded soldiers.

    Obama was in "campaign mode" and that the presidential candidate did not stop due to the fact that his publicists and camera crews could not follow him is disgraceful.

  6. word is that it is expensive because China and India are competing for the oil as well. Prices have not soared because of the war.

    If you want to believe conspiracy theories there are many out there, take your pick.

  7. It's the current failure of a President and his War-Monger partner Satan, um, I mean, "trigger finger" d**k.  Cheney.


  8. Gas prices jumped just after the invasion because all Iraqi production was immediately taken out of the world market.  Its taken a long time to restore the production, and repair the pipelines that were getting blown up frequently.

    We get no free oil from Iraq.  As in nada, zip, zilch, none.  If we get it, we pay full market price for it.

    One HUGE reason gas (and everything else) is so high is that the current administration is completely irresponsible financially.  They have spent FIFTY PER CENT more than the government has taken in over the last seven years.  This has caused the value of the dollar to nosedive.  The dollars are worth (much!!!) less, so it takes more of them to buy the same things that cost less a few years ago.  Just about three days ago the administration released its projections for the deficit for the coming year, at 490 BILLION dollars, and this does not include all the war funding.  We will be paying this off longer than anybody reading this will be alive.  Enjoy!!!

    "Wait a minute. What did you just say? You're predicting $4-a-gallon gas? ... That's interesting. I hadn't heard that." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2008

    "We got plenty of money in Washington. What we need is more priority." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 2, 2008

    EDIT:  All your thumbs down wont erase history, or pay off the tab these fools have saddled us with.

  9. no man we arent getting free gas from iraq. however the caspian sea pipeline is making billions for cheaney and co. the oil is to fuel the war machine, thats how it works you need allot of oil to fuel a war . even a undeclaired illegal one.

    look into the pipline , thats why we nvaded afganastan

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