
Just before going into labor..?

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did you feel any different? more tired than usualy.. odd cramps..feeling sick??.. or did it just happen out of nowhere? did you start off with painless contractions or painful ones?




  1. I didn't "feel" any different, but looking back, the day I went into labor I had the urge to get everything ready, I scribbed all my moldings in my house, stocked up on dog food etc, filled my gas tank, had our hospital bags packed, scrubbed my kitchen floor, got one last good prenatal yoga workout in along with a long ride on my exercise bike, I had a ton of energy, then at like 8pm I crashed hard - SO tired so I went to bed so early. At 11pm I woke up with contractions that were 7 minutes apart. I had my baby the following afternoon.

    I had been having "cramping" for a week which I later found out were false labor contractions (not timeable). Some of them stopped me in place until they passed, and some were easy enough to keep walking or doing what I was doing while they happened. I didn't feel sick or anything although I've heard that happens to some women! Everyone is different so keep that in mind!

    Good luck to you & Congrats on your upcoming baby!!!

    <<hugs>> Toni Lynne

  2. When I went into labor, I thought they were just braxton hicks contractions. Until about 9 hours later when I became very uncomfortable. I couldn't lay down or anything. I was tired that day. but then again i was 9 months pregnant, i was tired all the time!!!!

  3. I had no symptoms before contractions started.  When they started it was just a little pressure, a couple hours later they were getting worse but they were not under 5 minutes apart.  I had contractions for 24 hours before I went to the hospital, I then had them for another 10 hours before I had my son.  When I was at home having the contractions and I had to go the the bathroom I would go number 1 and 2.  

  4. Mine always started with contractions that felt like light menstrual cramps and progressively got worse. My labor seemed to always just happen.  For a few days b4 I do remember feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvic area. 2 out of my three times in labor I had cramps with sudden diarrhea which is a sign of labor so that is how I knew it ws time to go to the hospital.  

  5. Well i started to get contractions at the beginning but they didn't really hurt. Then My husband took me for a LONG walk like seriously 3-4 1/2 miles up hills and that totally took over and i started to get them so bad it felt like nothing i have ever experienced!! And i got into my own little world everything else didn't matter and all i was concentrated was to myself. Good luck and i wish you all that are almost into labor the best :)

    *Mother of 2 year old and 32 weeks with a boy :)

  6. I cleaned the entire apartment, both times.  It's called nesting.

  7. I was so tired! Exhausted would be more like it. I had lots of braxton hicks contractions and cramps. The contractions slowly got stonger and stronger.

  8. Hmmm. With my first, I literally said out loud that I was "done"! Couldn't take it anymore. In a NICE way to my baby. And my water broke and that was that! I had been swelling and uncomfortable.

  9. I was cleaning all the time..I wanted to leave everything good before I would go to the hospital..

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