
Just before you go off a jump with your you go really fast..or just medium speed.?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know which one works best when going off jumps.

To be going super fast..or just Medium speed.




  1. its depending on how long the jump is....if its less than 2.5 to 3meters go medum speed and give it a lil pop off the lip ov the jump if its bigger than that ur gona hav to lift the handle bars up when u go of the jump and go faster ur speed will take ur across the jump good luck ay woooo hooooo get into it ;)

  2. Yeah Defiantly To Many Things To Consider If You Want To It Follow Someone Good Over The Jump Then Your Get The Idea Of Speed As Long As You Both Got Roughly The Same Speed But Even Then Depend How Much You Lift Or Not


    ( :

  3. you probably want to go as fast as you can. If your not going fast enough, the jump works like a 'cliff' and you just fall down it with out gaining altitude first

  4. I'll give you the same answer I've always given when this question gets asked; depends on the jump, you ,your bike, and the conditions.

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