
Just bought 2007CBR600rr when I first start the bike I see white smoke from the exhaust ,what could this be?

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Just bought 2007CBR600rr when I first start the bike I see white smoke from the exhaust ,what could this be?




  1. the engine just does that.

  2. White smoke is water so it could be condensation in the exhaust or if you've been a bit to rough with the engine the head gasket could be on its way out! keep an eye on your water level!

  3. it just does that when you start it, if you live in a cold area, or it gets cold, it could just be the gas, because you see the gas easier when it is cold. but if it is warm, its just the bike starting, the engiune is cold no matter where you live so when you first start it. its gonna do that.

    either way it is nothing to worry about

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