
Just bought a laptop an been told all i need now to get the internet on my laptop is a dongle is that correct?

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Just bought a laptop an been told all i need now to get the internet on my laptop is a dongle is that correct?




  1. Almost, you need to subscribe to a provider.. have a look..

    unless you have wireless at home already.

  2. Technically, yeah. A USB wireless dongle is the main thing you need, but you also need to have a wireless connection

  3. if you have access to a wireless network, you just need a usb dongle to enable the laptop to connect to it, otherwise use the traditional method and plug an ethernet cable in.  

  4. yep your right just plug your dongle intonet in and put the solftware on to your laptop and then when you fished with that and then when u wont to go on the intonet you can just click on the icon on your desk top and then a box will come on the screen. and then click on connect  

  5. You can get on the Internet any of several ways.

    1) Your laptop probably has a built-in dial-up modem.  With this, a phone line cable, and a dial-up Intenet Service Provider (ISP), you can get on the Internet.  Your ISP will set whatever fees they will charge, and you will have to sign up and pay the fees.

    2) You can hook up to a DSL or cable modem using an Ethernet cable, assuming that your laptop has a built-in Ethernet adapter.  Again, you will have to have an account with the ISP.  This method is faster than dial-up, but has the disadvantage that you are still tethered by the wire; no mobility.

    3) Your laptop may already have a Wireless-g or Wireless-n adapter built in.  All you need to do is find a Wireless (aka WiFi) Hotspot (at Starbucks, McDonald's, etc.), pay the fee, and get going.  Hotspots usually charge different fees for certain slices of time, e.g., 2 hours, 12 hours, etc.  This method has the advantage that you are mobile, which is probably what you bought your laptop for in the first place.

    4) If you don't have built-in WiFi (Wireless-g or Wireless-n, aka 802.11-g or 802.11-n), you can easily buy a plug-in adapter for about $25.00 to $75.00 (depending on speed and features).  Plug-in adapters come in two types:  a) a Cardbus (also known as PMCCIA) adapter; or b) a USB adapter (aka dongle).  If you have a lot of free USB ports, you may want the USB type; otherwise, you may want the Carbus type.  As to Wireless-g or Wireless-n, the -n type is the newest and fastest, and has the greatest range.  However, in order to take full advantage of its capabilities, you need a Hotspot that supports Wireless-n.

    5) You can also get a wireless adapter that works over the cell phone network from your local cell phone provider.  This adapter also plugs into your Cardbus (PMCCIA) port or into your USB port, depending on which one you choose, but it has the advantage that you don't have to find a Hotspot to get on the Internet.  This adapter works anywhere where you can get a cell phone signal.  It also is very fast.  The main disadvantage is that you usually have to sign up for a 2-year contract fwith the cell phone company, just as if it were a cell phone.  As such it can be a bit pricey, but it can be worth it if you use the Intrnet a lot and move around a lot.

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