
Just bought a min horse, mare 4 yrs. old. put her in with my gelded morgan horse. he bites her,is it going to

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stop? he also acts jealous and trys to attack her when i give her attention.




  1. Give the other horse a little time to except the min horse. In time the horse will get use to it usually. If not you may need to find another place to place the min horse. I think your older horse will get used to him in time though.

  2. Seperate them, if that horse kicks the mare he could do her alot of damage. You need to introduce them to eachother slowly, especially if your horse is not used to company.

  3. When you feed the horses, give the Morgan his feed first. He will be more secure that the mini isn't taking his place that way. And, always greet and pet on the Morgan first when you enter the pasture and give him treats. After a few minutes, pay attention to the mini mare and give her treats, then return to the Morgan and pet him last before you leave.

    He is, as others have said, establishing his dominance over the mini and if you treat him as "top horse", then he will be more reassured that he hasn't lost favor with you. But, if the Morgan is too aggressive with the mini in your presence, you need to let him know that it is not acceptable.

    If he persists in being too rough with the mini mare, you'll have to put up a fence to separate them, though. Good luck!! : )

  4. Some horses just don't get along. Maybe just wait a bit and see if it gets any better, if not, seperate them.

  5. My two geldings bite, kick at and flatten their ears at each other. But when I ride one of them, they whinny for each other all the time. Best friends don't get along sometimes. I don't think it will stop, unless you separate them. Sometimes two horses won't get along at first and then can't stand to be separated from each other after a while. Hope I Helped.

  6. Well not all horses get along you know.May be you should keep with it for a while and check and if not separate them or if they get along always keep them together. Anyways best of luck!  

  7. hes probally just jelous or nervous since u baught min he may think ut gonna sell em

  8. He is showing his dominance. If it continues or he gets more aggressive, I would consider separating them. He is much bigger than her, so increased aggressive behavior could eventually hurt her. However, if it seems to be harmless pecking order establishment, don't worry about it. There's always one who is more dominant than the other.

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