
Just bought a new Sharp LCD TV and every time I turn it back on it keeps going into initial setup mode, why??

by  |  earlier

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I went through the initial setup process with my HD CableBox and new LCD TV, setting the language, then allowing it to scan the channels. TV works great, however, everytime I shut down the TV, and then turn it back on, it goes into this inital setup mode again, which is a pain, and you cannot simply exit out of. How do I stop this and make my TV just go on like normal??




  1. It sounds as though your TV is not storing the channels after you have done the search.

    Make sure you are doing everything the right way and you are sure you have pressed the right buttons.

    If it won't store the channels and you are still be asked to do the set up I would contact the business you purchased the TV from and ask for an exchange TV as the one you bought won't hold the channels in it's memory.

  2. you didnt go through the whole setup that the tv takes you through. either that or a manufacturer flaw. contact sharp asap!

  3. you are rich, i am poor!

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