
Just can't seem to find the perfect one...?

by Guest61959  |  earlier

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I am in desperate need of a new saddle, and I've looked every where, and can't find the perfect one! I'm looking for a 16.5inch HDR, Pessoa, Crosby... etc. I need a used one though, cause I can't afford a new one, but it needs to have a longer flap for equiataion, and because I'm kind of tall, 5'6". Also it needs to be brown, no black. Thanks so much guys!!!




  1. Try your local saddle fitter, they should have lots!

  2. Where have you looked?  We have bought a bunch from Rick's Heritage ( ) and have been happy with them.

    Edit:  I know when this question pops up a lot of people suggest eBay but I would be cautious taking that route.  An unscrupulous seller will not tell you if the saddle has a broken tree or some other major hard to fix flaw.  If you are buying from a store that sells on eBay it's one thing but be wary when you buy from an individual.

  3. try , , and . make a post on craigslist, describing what you are in search of. make flyers and post them at shows and at feed stores.  

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