
Just checkin!!! Do I address a lady "Miss...." if I don't know whether or not she's married???

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Would a married lady be offended if I called her "Miss"?




  1. always common curtesy to use Ms if you don't know

  2. Ms if you dont know if she is married or not

  3. how address?  orally or written?   If writing  use MS.....  verbally say  madam   or if too posh   love or ducks  if in UK ..   Like  awright then girl   ./.  But if speaking would probably see wedding  ring  to know  her status,,,    

  4. Ms is correct lol

  5. In correspondence,Miss= Unmarried, Mrs.,=Married,  Ms., =Unknown marital status. In conversation the same etiquette applies except when the unknown situation exists. In this situation a few options are open to you 1) If the female is older than you give her  Mrs., title,2) If around the same age Miss. 3)Or just ask. After showing her the respect of calling her Mrs,or Miss and you got it wrong then she should politely correct you. If she appears to be openly upset at being referred to inadvertently by the incorrect title then she is a prima donna and not worth worrying about. By the way the title of Ms., was devised in the U.S.A., in the 1950s  to replace Mrs.&Miss, so that women like men could have one form of address not linked to their marital status. Ms, made little impact in G.B, until the 60s and to begin with had a hostile reception. It is quite well accepted now here in G.B, and the passport office conceded the right for woman to use Ms, on passports In 1974 if they so choose. Also the House of commons officially accepted it for woman, if they wanted to use it The pronunciations are Mizz and/or Merz with Mizz the most popular.

  6. Ms.

    Could be a Mrs or  a Miss.

    Madam is good for when you are saying "can I help you Madam?" otherwise you'd sound like a cockney barrow boy. "can I help ya Miss?"

  7. There is nothing wrong. These days its a common practice even to address married lady also as, Miss......

  8. say ms instead of miss, but try and make it sound like it could be either.

  9. yes

  10. Ms is what you would use not Mrs or Miss as these tend to describe single/married women.

    Hope this helps.

  11. use "Ms",  "miss" normally discribes single woman

  12. Written; Ms

    Spoken it sounds like Mz.

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