
Just choose a random ordinal number,secretly,then the team that scores that goal ,eg 2437th,of the season wins

by  |  earlier

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the league.Of course it won't be announced until all the games are finished,and the incentive is that the more goals a team scores,the higher the chance of winning.




  1. alrighty then i will understand the logic behind that sometime..original idea though..have a star

  2. no because you could most of your games and score the goal . whats wrong with winning the league by getting the most points

  3. ok, i've done it.  

  4. wtf bob

  5. Bob I take it the Mjobaba berries have ripened and you have made a soup from the juices. It may be a bit early Bob but your entitled to run the risk of insanity from drinking Mjobaba Juice Soup if you want. Good Luck getting off that trip Bob!!!

  6. brilliant idea bob. then hopefully that will get rid of all the paranoia

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