
Just crush?? or more...............?

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ok so im 17 (legal in uk) and ive left school about 2 months ago...and im really crushing on a teacher ..i've like her all year..and i know she has some feelings for me back?because of things that went on in the year she taught me. whats the best way to see her again and maybe ask her out or something..although she has a boyfriend but i know they're not serious. p.s. i went in the other day and handed books back...i spoke to her for ages....and i havent been able to get her out my head for months..




  1. Thanks for the mental picture..........

  2. Play it safe?

    She's a teacher and you're a girl and she's had a boyfriend?

    How old is she anyway?

  3. watch the movie LOVING ANABELLE you will find what you need to know there

    its a great movie about a teacher and a student that fall in love but thinks don't work out that well...not saying it its going to happened to u

    but when i was reading ur question it reminded of the movie

    exactly the same!!! lol

    Good luck!

  4. I'm in the same situation =[

  5. If allowed, you might simply show up one day after school, say you are a former student and ask to see her. Take it from there--telling her how you felt her feelings. On the other hand, she might simply be a kind teacher that connected with you otherwise.


  6. Um...This is a difficult situation. Seeing as she was your teacher. If you plan on having a relationship with her, that is if she even allows it, you have to think of the impact this could have on her career. Others could see what she's doing with you and start to suspect her of doing things with her students. Her career could be ruined. Be careful.  

  7. If you take this any further, she will be fired.  That will be 3 or 4 years worth of training and however long she has been teaching, ruined.  What on earth went on in the years she taught you?  It's really not a good idea, I'm sure you feel really strongly about her but I would seriously leave her well alone.  I'm sorry, I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear at all.

  8. Hi Crazed, very naughty and difficult situation.

    How have you managed to find out so much information out about her, especially concerning her private life., and more so about how deep her relationship with her b/f is.

    From this I assume she is a young teacher, maybe not very long into her career, and even if she did have feelings for or about you, I am not sure about the ethical situation.

    I would strongly suggest finding someone else, especially if it would be your first same s*x relationship, as the dangers for both of you could be costly.

    You could arrange to bump into her after school, and invite her for a coffee to thank her for all the hard work she helped you with, but I think you may be reading more into the situation than that's actually there.

    Mike t.

  9. Are you sure she likes you? Your a girl. Does she have a boyfriend? is she interested in girls?

  10. Leave her alone.

    Plan your own life and meet your own partners.

    Meet people your own age in social situations.



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