
Just curious....How did Prince William finish flight school..?

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in a few months when it usually takes 3-4 years?




  1. Because he is a royal. They dont do training lol.

    No he did a fast track training course apparently

  2. Friends in high places!

  3. There you go !

  4. same question but phrased differently then others,the wings he was awarded was for passing the first stage of flying school which means that he can fly fixed wing aircraft and helicopters and this time frame is perfectly normal for anyone.we have yet to move on to jets,to those who are saying he must have been fast-tracked or because he is a royal are talking out of their other regions and pay no attention to the news from which they glean their knowledge and then come on here and quote"i saw it on the news",and you are right , to become an RAFpilot does take about 3/4 years,good question.

  5. Probably greased a few palms!  Has that boy ever been known to fail at anything?

    Seriously  it was an intensive training school so he was able to complete quicker.

  6. It was a course specailly designed for him as he;s not going to be a career soldier. However, it doesn't take 3-4 years to finish flight school, but after flight school there's another 3-4 years of training which would be a waste of taxpayer's money for William to do.

  7. Prince William received his badge after spending four months with the Royal Air Force learning to pilot helicopters and planes. His study was designed to make him a competent, but not operational, flier. British fighter jet pilots normally spend up to four years under instruction. The course is part of the 25-year-old William's preparations to eventually become king, when he will become the ceremonial head of Britain's armed forces. He is already an army officer and is due to serve a tour overseas, most likely aboard a navy warship.

  8. Because as he's set to be the head of the Armed Forces, he needs to experience ALL aspects of the miltary. He hasn't finished the same flight school as the regular guys but rather a taster and completed a solo-flight. I think it's the Navy next.

  9. 45 flying hours hours can be done in a week if you have the time and money, I don't think they are strapped for either!!

  10. All he has so far is the equivalent of a private pilot's license, he's nowhere near qualified for operational flying duties, let alone as a fighter pilot.  If you have the money you could get the flying hours needed in a few weeks.

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