
Just curious- My son is O- blood type and I know mine is something-(negative) ?

by Guest34066  |  earlier

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but what would my and his father's type be? Would they both have to have been O- also?

I don't understand- I am just curious. I am giving blood soon I'm sure they'll tell us but I am wondering.

Thank you!




  1. ask a doctor

  2. If your son has O- blood, then you and his father have O- blood.  If one of you were an A or a B, then it would cancel out the O.  

    You should know that O- blood is very sought after because it can be used for anyone, A- B- or AB-.  It is very versatile, and very precious, especially for AB- people who can only take AB- blood (which is rare) or O-.  You might consider donating on a consistent basis.  It would really be a good deed that would help a lot of people!

  3. Blood group can be the same as either the mother, father or both.

    The main blood groups are A+; A-; B+; B-; O+; O-; AB+; AB-

    The Plus or minus sign refers the Rehsus factor found it the blood ie it is positive or negative.

    People with A blood can give to A

    People with B blood can give to B

    People with AB blood can give to A or B

    People with O blood can give to any group

    Does this help any??

  4. It is most likily that you are also O-, but you could also be a rare AO- or BO- and have passed on the O type.

  5. I'm A-ve, hubsband & son both O+ve, so no real reason unless you want the whole Mendle's theory stuff!!! Is it important for health reasons? If not, accept that you're healthy!!  

  6. You can't tell what your blood type is if your son is O, it doesn't mean that you will be O as well.

  7. because O is a recessive gene, as long as both you and his dad have this gene, then you two can show as A or B  but your son could be O. If he's negative and so are you, then it means that his dad also has a negative gene, because it's also recessive.  

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