
Just curious about the "green" movement?

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I know that there is a lot of people "going green" here in the US, but is there a push in other countries? I went to Costa Rica (exchange in college about 8 years ago) and remember how people would literally throw trash out the car windows, it blew my mind! Also the exhaust from the automobiles were horrible, just wondering if these places are even concerned with "going green".




  1. I read an article on San Francisco recycling 75% of their trah and preventing it go for landfills so more power to them

  2. No. Costa Ricans (Ticos) live their lives normal.

    Here in USA the brainwash on GW is so bad that most of the society is addicted to Prozac because of the fears & panic attacks provoked by this huge hoax.

    My 2 cents.

  3. Haha yes, the US is waaaaaaaay behind most European countries in going green, for starters.  Some other countries like Canada and Japan are generally ahead of us too.

  4. There are a lot of things about the "green movement" that could be aptly described as "curious".

    Mostly though, it is a bunch of know-all smelly beatniks who try their darndest to push their pathetic theories down the throats of normal people. whilst bludging off the very society they perport to hate.

    Damned annoying, isn't it!!

  5. not as much as america for a couple reasons

    1. it is publicized as much

    2. they dont have the rescoreces we do

  6. Friend, many other countries have no other option but to live their lives as sustainably as possible! And other first world countries that do have an option, are far ahead of what we are doing. But take heart, the situation is not hopeless! Today, by working together, we can build a better and more sustainable future for every citizen of the world, human and non human.

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