
Just curious but are most places of work bitchy?

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Just curious but are most places of work bitchy?




  1. Nope, mine isn't like that at all. I'd have a word with your manager if you're unhappy.

  2. Not the places, just some of the people.

  3. yes! and it's not just women but men also can be as bitchy, you just have to rise above it and forget it when you go home otherwise  it'll do your head in!!!!!

  4. Yes.

    I think people just get bored and fed up with their jobs and take it out on everyone else.

    My advice would be to get in to a big company where the MD is thousands of miles away and no one has to work too hard!

  5. Yes, it's a fact of life i'm afraid. You'll find that most people are out for themselves and don't care about getting others into trouble, to make themselves look good.

  6. depends on how many women work together in my experience (as a woman).  I just cannot believe how unprofessional so many women are.

  7. oh yeah, trust no soon as you leave the office people are sharpening the knives...but if you can beat them join them i say...

  8. If there are women there then yes unfortuneately.

  9. Yes.  Try not to get too involved as it always goes around and lands back at your feet.

    I've lot count of the number of times someone's said "don't mention this to anyone, but....." then gone on to ****** about someone else in the office.

  10. A lot are... All in different degrees I suppose; while some aren't bitchy at all. It depends on the dynamics of the place, and maybe the size too.

    If the people in charge are bitchy, that's often the tone of the workplace...

    In my last job I had a completely anti-bitching boss (really nice). Nobody had any reason to complain about her, so nobody bitched. And that attitude of no bitching spread to everyone, about everyone else.

    There was a really annoying guy working there for a while, and nobody even bitched about him when he wasn't there.

    It was actually a really nice, relaxing environment, because you never worried whether people were talking about you. Everyone just got along.

    Bitching and "watching your back" gets so exhausting, and unless you're on a fantastic wage, it's really not worth the energy. Works sucks enough without that drama.

    Maybe I got lucky, but I do think those attitudes often come from the top down. If your bosses are really decent and upfront, the rest of the staff will generally follow suit.

  11. Probably until they get to know you.  If you don't like bitchiness just keep away from the gossip.

  12. Yes, especially ones with women! At my work oh my there is tons of them.

  13. Not all are.

  14. It has been my experience that there is always at least one person who complains a lot for whatever reason, but it is rare to have the entire workplace at that same level.

    I can handle the complainers.  It's the ****-disturbers make me unhappy, the ones that are always trying to make a conflict.  I don't need that c**p at the place I spend half my waking life.

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