
Just curious how everyone feels..............?

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I just wanted everyones opinion on the current economy? Do you think we are in a recession ? What is the cause and how long do you think it will take us to get out of it?

I know the obvious answers I just wanted others oppinions.




  1. There is a general downturn in the worldwide economy.  It is part of the cycle of economic prosperity and poverty.  More government programs will make the problem more acute as many multinational companies are in a position to leave the U.S.    The North American market is just not the dominant consumer force it once was.  We have a generation of union employees who were paid arbitrarily high wages.  There is no possibility that another generation will have those wages and benefits.  It is impossible to provide for a high school graduate.  It is a shallow recession and will correct as the housing boom and consequent bubble burst is digested.

  2. I agree with Phil Gramm, we're in a nation of whiners in a 'mental recession'. Employment is low, 5.5 percent (over 10 percent in the late 70's), overall inflation is low ($4 a gallon gas is price gouging, but no one complains about a $4 latte), the Prime Interest Rate is at 5 percent (in 1989 it was 11.5 percent) and the economy actually grew last month. The economy isn't booming by any means, but we are far from a second great depression

    The simple fact on the matter is Americans are fat, lazy and self indulgent (bring on the thumbs down, I can take it) Anything that threatens their comfort zone is a crisis. Combine that with the constant drum beat from the left about how everything Bush does is deliberate act designed to destroy the country, it's surprising we don't have thousands of people a day diving out of office tower windows in panic and despair.

  3. no not thinking we're in resession yet. i k now that when we are you will know. but its not bad and there are alot of people having jobs the ones that lose their homes are the ones that are paying  large prices and apyments and lost their jobs and not thinking of what they were buying jut over spending is another clue tot his part. i am thinking we're close to ressession but not yet.

  4. Everything's gonna be Okay.  We always go through something like this when the Republicans get in office.

    Reagan's trickle down is right around the corner....

  5. Yes, we are in a recession and it's not going to get any better anytime soon. What would help is a cleansing of the government, so that it's no longer ran by private global bank owners and large corporations, and by the people instead.

  6. Yes, I truly believe we are in a recession...but I have every faith that we will be able to pull ourselves out of this before we slide into a depression.  It may take a year or two, but we can do this if everyone works together!

  7. It is not good right now and it depends alot on what happens next.I dont feel it will be a long time  but the next 2 years are a good start if nothing more happens but no one knows for sure.I do think there will be alot of changes some we like some we dont

  8. We are at the start of a recession with worse to came, lets hope it will be over sooner rather than later.

  9. When Obama gets into the White House there will be a new Praise Allah Tax to aid Al Quada and Democrats will use 30% of that towards the continuing media payoff to continue the recession fabrication.

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