
Just curious...i want true stories only please?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone or anyone you know been pregnant for like 5-6 months before knowing for sure? like all hpts came out neg and maybe possibly had a "period"? please let me know! thanks in advance!! :)




  1. Well, my sister was breastfeeding her daughter and when Kenzie was 8 months old, sis began to feel fetal movements.  Guess what--she took a test...+!  She wasnt having her period while she was breastfeeding, so that was a symptom out the window, she has not had any morning sickness with any of the 3 of her kids, and had always been told that getting regnant while breastfeeding was a slim to none chance (guess that was an Kenzie was 3 months old when she got pregnant with Miles, and she was over the half way mark before she found out.  I know this doesnt answer the - test and missed periods, but I figured that I would share her story.  Good luck

  2. I use to work with this one lady who didnt know she was pregnant untill she was like 7 months or so.  She was kind of big so you couldnt tell if she was or wasnt pregnant. She was still having her periods so she didnt think she was pregnant.

  3. My mom got to almost 5 months with my sister before she knew.  She had alot of fertility problems so she never took a test and her periods were still coming, just very lightly.  She thought it was early menopause until she started getting a bump.  Then she went to the doc and he confirmed it.  Good thing she was not a drinker or smoker.

  4. My sister-in-law was 18 weeks when she found out she was pregnant.  Her and my brother had been trying for a few months, and the pregnancy tests were all negative.  She also had irregular periods.  I don't know how the hormone was not detected.

  5. Yea I had a friend that didnt know she was pregnant until she was 5 months i dont think she had a pd but she never had any symptoms until she went for a check up and the dr told her she was really surprised cause she was told that she couldnt have any kids.

  6. I got pregnant in April of 03 and spotted till July of 03' so 4 months before I realized I was

  7. truth nope, I have never know anyone for this to happen, how would the hpts come out negative if you were 5 or 6 months, you would definitely have hcg in your system , and if you thought you were pregnant why wouldnt you go to the doctor for a blood test

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