
Just curious :)?

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Whats the longest someone has gone before the figured out they were pregnant? My friend was already 5 months along!

Also whats the longest someone has gone before the test will 100% read pregnant? like could you be 3 or 4 months along before the test picks up the hormone?




  1. Same as Sarah, I have seen a show where women had no idea they were pregnant, and acutally lost weight, and then gave birth out of the blue! I can't imagine giving birth and not even knowing I was pregnant! So, anything is possible, I guess.

  2. well i watched a tv show and people didnt know until they gave birth.

  3. my friends mom has had 7 babies. and she ddnt no about any of them till her water broke

  4. I also read an article about a woman giving birth all at once without knowing she was pregnant. She was quite overweight even before pregnancy actually. Extreme cases I'd say.

    But tests are really accurate today; they give you a reliable result from the supposed time of your period. I don't think it takes long at all to discover ...if you use them!
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