
Just curious-why do people ask whether Canadians live in igloos?

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Just curious-why do people ask whether Canadians live in igloos?




  1. Let us not forget, some Canadians do live in igloos.

    When I see my gas / hydro bill maybe its not a bad idea

  2. When I went to Florida they asked me if I was amazed at seeing grass or if I knew how electricity worked and whether or not we had in Canada.  Unforunately there are a lot of stereotypes about Canada and people don't chose to learn the truth.

    Look at "Talking to Americans" - it's hilarious.  It's about a guy that goes to the states and says things like "Canada is thinking of switching to a 24 hour clock like the rest of the world....what do you think?"

  3. it's a joke.

  4. because folks like to ask dumb questions that is there right i suppose so my question is witch is dumber the people who ask if we live in igloos or the folks that ask why they ask if we live in igloos . i lived in one 4 a week at birds hill park this winter it was fun

  5. that's irrational. im an asian and never heard canadians live in igloos. some people are just so ignorant to think of that.

  6. Either they think they are funny or they really don't know.

  7. They do? Never heard of that.

  8. Canadians encourage them. In Canada, jokes about cold weather are quite common and people do not take themselves as seriously as in some other countries.

  9. ignorance is bliss to some people

  10. Some people are just ignorant about the rest of the world.

  11. Because a lot of people aren't educated on Canada. U.S being one of them. I'm not saying American's know nothing about Canada, but most don't no a lot. And it isn't a joke, i've been asked if i lived in an igloo and if i had a dog sled that i took to work and so on.. and the man was being serious.. so i led him on and told him "oh ya sure and in the summer watch your kids because the mosquitoes will swoop down and take your small children" and he believed it.. i was shocked.. but it was hilarious!!

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