
Just cut my grandpops lawn as his leg is playing up again, so he says? there are a lot of dandelions, he's

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told to leave them. They look horrid, and I'm going to do them. Can someone who knows about gardening please tell me what stuff to get and where to buy it from please. My mum always says he's mean, but I've wrangled a fiver from him.




  1. Just go to the local hardware or garden centre and ask the people there. They will have a lot of different kinds of both granular and liquid  forms. It is called selective weed killer,it kills the weeds but not the grass, some fertilise at the same time too. Clever stuff isn't it? They are all good, just follow the instructions and don't do it on a hot day and wait till rain is forecast, preferably the following day. You should get some change out of his five quid, don't tell him, that's 'for running the errand.' Best wishes, wish I had one like you.

  2. Surgical stockings and 'growmore' should make them look better !

  3. If you keep the lawn mowed dandelions won't be able to seed the following year.  Don't mow too short.  two and a half to three inches is best.  Water deep and infrequently.  This forces the grass to grow a deep root system and prevents weeds from rooting.  In the spring use corn gluten meal on the lawn.  it prevent seeds from germinating, therefore eliminating 90% of weeds.  it controls crabgrass, too.

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