
Just did a 3 hour volleyball practice...?

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and my thighs are KILLING me any tips to soothe the pain would help a lot, i just over exercised it dont worry, oh and i didnt stretch before (im so stupid, i know!!!)




  1. Jump in bath tub filled with ice !

  2. well, you can:

    * ice!! take an ice bath, sounds pain full but it helps.

    * stretch before you go to bed today.

    * stretch, then work out over the soreness, it will hurt at first but then you'll forget abou it, and you'll feel better.

    good luck :]

  3. I did a camp that lasted about 12 hours with a break at lunch and dinner but otherwise we kept playing and i got soo sore but the instructors told us to lay on the floor with our legs up on the wall so you have to like have your butt like on the wall and lay there and the toxins and blood will rush out of your legs and it really helps. I know it sounds crazy but it works. Oh and since the blood is rushing out of your legs it may hurt or tingle then it feels better and your feet will go numb and turn yellow and when they are yellow your done soo i hope it helps!

  4. i'm italian

  5. maybe you can do lunges to stretch out your leg muscles and just relax


  6. This happened to me at my last practice. lol. I recommend alternating between a heating pad and an ice pack. Do that for about 30-45 minutes, then take a warm shower and stretch you legs. It may be a slight bit sore, but it will relieve you later.

  7. bengay is the absolute BEST thing. no iceehot it dosent work as well at all. trust me 4 hours intense volleyball practice with super mean coaches. :]] but they are really nice outside of coaching!! :]]

  8. you may have pulled a muscle

    but i say try icey hot

  9. take a hot shower/bath

    after you get out strech ASAP

    yes it might hurt but it soothes itself very fast

  10. 3 hour? that's it. be glad your not a my school i have four 6 hour practices this week! lol

    You should stretch now! Right after you come back from practice and BEFORE! =] Just keep walking that helps me. Rub it a little if that helps.

  11. Bengay always gets me though 2 a days which is practice from 9-12 then 1-4 in the same day. It sucks but I love volleyball!

  12. Fill up your bath tub, then add 4 cups of Apple Vinegar to it.

    It sounds weird, and it smells bad, but it really relieves the soreness.

    Then take a shower afterwards so you don't smell like Vinegar.  

    Icing/Heating works too, but not as well on thighs.

  13. ice bath

  14. I like to alternate ice and heat, in 20 minute increments, after a good day of vball. You can also try creams like Icy-Hot and Bengay. Also, if you are worried about swelling, ibuprofin can help with that.

  15. start streching alot to get all of the toxins out of your muscles and soak in a tub of epson salt

  16. Swim! Swim! Swim! I know this sounds odd but the pain in your thighs is a lactic acid build-up. Swimming relieves this pain ALOT! Also, try some icy-hot or bengay. It feels great! And it heals it a little.  

    Trust me i know this pain... my volleyball camp ended 2 weeks ago and i was SO sore. Trust me swimming helps.

  17. i play vollyball too and the first day killed me cause i was soo sore but all you really need to do is stretch a lot even though it hurt trust me it will feel a heck of a lot better and by doing other athletic stuff it gets the sorness out too!

  18. Stretch, Ice, and Advil.  

    Stretching will loosen the muscles.

    Ice will reduce the swelling causing the pain.

    Advil will temporarily reduce the pain, and also reduces the swelling.

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