
Just don't know?

by  |  earlier

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So my husband and I have been trying to concieve. We had intercourse on all days that i was ovulating. I shouldn't start my period until the 6th or 8th. I took a Pregnancy test today and it came back negative. Did I take it too early?




  1. ask your doctor

  2. Yes, you took it too early you need to wait till your missed period or next period to test.

  3. Yes, too early. You must wait for at least the day you are supposed to start or a couple days after. Most of the time, you're not going to have enough of the pregnancy hormone in your system for the pregnancy test to pick up yet. Good luck!

  4. Yes, you took the test too early.  If you are expecting your period on the 6th or 8th you need to wait to see if you get your period.  If you don't then take a pregnancy test and it should be much more accurate.
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