
Just dropped out, what now?

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I just dropped out of college after two years, and now I don't know what to do with myself. Obviously I need to find a job but I have really no experience or knowledge in anything. I'm into art and writing. I've only ever had crappy little retail jobs. Anyone have any firsthand experience with this? And please no "well you should've never dropped out" answers, because I already did. College was not for me. Thanks for any help.




  1. First ask yourself this question " What am I passionate about?"  Then find a way to do that.  It may mean more education, or on the job training.  But until you find out what makes you tick find any job and work, work hard at that job.  You will make the best choice for you with the information you have at this time.  Don't allow someone else to decide for you.  Because if you allow someone else to decide then if you fail it is their fault, if you are successful then it is their glory.  It should all be yours.

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