
Just filled out a job application?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and i filled out a job application to work at Kroger's because I'm tired of hearing my mom complain that she doesn't have any money....but there's one problem i want to play softball this year but i don't know if i should just work until softball season comes in then quit ....or just not play softball what would you do ? and i know this isn't the right section but it seems like no one answers in the other section!




  1. Get your work schedule first, and see if you can work it around your softball schedule.  I had a job and played soccer from 12-15 years old.  Just time management.

  2. Get the job and when softball season comes just ask them to cut your hours or ask if they can work around your softball schedule.  You can always work weekends only if your games are on weekdays.

  3. idk... why not work babysitting, walking dogs, cutting lawns, taking care of dogs.. you know easy jobs....

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