
Just finished first year of college. Summer is completely open. Any cheap study abroad ideas and info?

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I want to leave Massachusetts and go far away from here over the summer. I want to leave for, say, a month or more or less and I want to work somewhere, Europe maybe?

Anyone know of a way to do this? or a website that has info? Maybe there is some type of really inexpensive way to do it through church youth groups (im 19) or to get a job somewhere or since I am a photographer, to take documentary pictures.

I need to leave for sometime. I dont have money and need to make some. I have no direction on how to do this. Please help.





    Here is one site but all the people that I know who have traveled abroad have asked within the confines of their own college. Your school must have a study abroad program. Check with them immediately to see if there are still slots open. Ask your friends and other schoolmates to see what their ideas are.

    Maybe you could teach English as a foreign language in some country for a few months.

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