
Just for fun, s*x after baby?

by Guest62642  |  earlier

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With my first child I was a single mommy, so I didn't have s*x until she was 2 years old. When I had my son I was terrified to have s*x for 8 weeks, I kept delaying it for some reason or another. I finally gave in and was surprised it didn't hurt very much, we needed some help with lubrication but other then that it was somewhat enjoyable.

So my question is, who was also terrified to have s*x after baby was born, if so was it as bad as you thought it was going to be?

For the mommy's who weren't terrified, did you wait for your six week check-up? If not, why?




  1. I did not want s*x when I was pregnant like I REFUSED to have s*x.  Then I had my son and wanted it SOOOOO bad that I couldnt wait for six weeks.  I waited untill 3 weeks.  Unfortunetly now I am wondering weather I am pregnant again already.  I hope not!

  2. I did have s*x at 4 weeks after my son was born, but I was completely terrified, I remember when I was in the hospital after the birth of my son I told my fiance he better not even try to hold my hand for 6 weeks! I felt different after I got home but I was terrified! Now my sons almost 7 months old and I still worry! I know that sounds silly but I tore quite a bit, everywhere so I'm still kinda sensitive, maybe when he's a teenager I wont have to worry anymore haha!

  3. We waited about 10 weeks.  We were so tired we couldn't even think about having s*x, let along actually having the energy to complete the task.  It was ok, painful at first but better after that first time.  

  4. After having our son i stopping bleeding after about 2 1/2 weeks but i wasn't intrested in s*x at all, my partner kept asking and annoying me so i finally gave in 3 1/2 weeks after having bub and yep it hurt just as i expected it to but it scared me off and i refused to have s*x again for weeks, now he is 8 weeks old and things are starting to get back to normal.

  5. Not sure that I was terrified so much as I was too darn tired.  Don't remember it hurting.

  6. It was the opposite for us... okay, maybe I don't count because I had a c-section! We waited 5 weeks and it HURT! I had anxiously awaited for pain!! LOL

  7. I was so terrified to have s*x after i had my son. i just couldn't stop thinking of the pain of childbirth (i went natural) but yeah, after i gave in it wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be!

  8. I very impatiently waited for my 6 week check up. I was ready for s*x (I thought) until the moment actually came. When we finally did have s*x, I was ridiculously careful (at first :D) then after we got into the swing of things, I wasn't scared anymore and thoroughly enjoyed our post baby s*x :D and after not doing anything for 6 whole weeks, I was more sensitive then usual.

  9. For me I was really not into s*x while pregnant but once the baby was out I was ready to go.  After my daughter I waited 2 weeks and my son may have been 2 weeks.  I know my husband and I were messing around 2 days after he was born though.  I talked to the MW and was told if I felt like it to go for it.

  10. I couldn't wait for the "go-ahead" from my doctor! But I did wait until after the check-up, just to be safe.

  11. I WAITED six weeks had too had a c-sec it was fine.

  12. After my first son, I vowed that I wouldn't touch my husband for months.  However, only a few weeks after the baby was born, I couldn't resist him anymore.  lol  We had s*x about 4 or 5 weeks after I gave birth.  We had no issues at all.  We just took our time and used a little of our favorite KY.  lol  I just listened to my own body.  If it would have felt uncomfortable or just didn't feel "right", I would have stopped, but everything was working A OK!

  13. After I had my daughter in May, I felt pretty good even after 2 weeks. It felt like forever for me and my fiance so we tried it. It hurt a bit so we waiting a week later and I felt right back to normal. I was way tighter from my stitches so I was pretty surprised at how fast your body can bounce back. I was pretty nervous the first time, even the second and third. But you will know if your body is ready so therefore it shouldn't be painful the first time you have s*x again.

  14. We waited until 5 weeks, because my doctor told me to wait at least 4.  Man oh man, it hurt and we stopped like within 2 min.  The second time was about a week after and again we stopped early.  The third and fourth time hurt, but was not as bad.  It was not until about the 8th time that it felt normal for the most part.  It took about 2.5 months after the second time for it to feel good.

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