
Just for fun, what do you think of this horse?

by  |  earlier

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i'm just flippin thru horses i may or may not want to look at as far as buying one.

i wanted to know what people in general thought of this horse. i want a horse to trail ride and maybe do some fun shows here and there.

NOTE: i'm not buying this horse(i may go look at it and such, but at this moment i'm not buying it), i'm just getting ideas of what to look for when i do go look at horses. i like draft horses ect, so dont point out all the bad things bout draft horses. thanks!




  1. My first impression is that he would suit your needs very well.  Of COURSE you'd go look at him, check out his conformation, etc.  But at first glance he seems nice.

    I think most people that sell hroses on those sites never even THINK of posting conformation photos.  You think it'd be standard but honestly, so many people don't even pay attention to that, all they care about is if the horse is a pretty color.

  2. i live in pennsylvania and i think i saw him before i dunno some photos he has a good conformation but some he doesnt it would be better to see him in person  

  3. ...i honestly dont think he is a horse worth buying. he may be nice for just trails, but [although those pictures are horrible with their angles] it seems like he has bad conformation..  

  4. if you want a horse for JUST trail... this is the horse. he would be a FANTASTIC trail horse.

    although if you wanted to do light showing... then this is not your horse... you would want a light horse rather then a draft.

    unless by showing you mean "cart pulling" because this horse would be great at light duty pulling.  

  5. Looks like a good horse to me for what he's been typed for.

  6. I would need to see conformation shots without tack to give to an educated and honest evaluation/opinion.

    The horse appears to be built solidly and has feet like dinner plates, past that, I can't see too much.

  7. That's the kind of laid-back, tooling-around, reliable horse I'd want for my boyfriend someday.  No confo photos, but if you just want a nice solid (literally..) trail horse, he *sounds* like he'd fit the bill.  $2500 is way too much, though.  The horse looks like a dear, but he hasn't done anything but trail ride and drive.  Way too much.

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