
Just for fun. A poll for everyone one can answer?

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Just for fun.. I am little bored.

1. What is your favorite kind of bottles.

2. What is your nursery theme

3. What is your bedding theme.

4. What kind of swing you have or getting.

5. What kind of stroller you like.

6. What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born.

7. If you pregnant how far along you are.

8.When you due

9. Do you know what you having.

10. If you already have your baby. Age and gender.

11. What you love about your baby.

12. What does your baby likes.

Thanks.. I post down want my answers are..




  1. Bottles: Tommee Tippee

    Nursery theme: Thomas the tank engine.

    Bedding: Cars

    Swing: None

    Stroller: Mamas & Papa's combination pram

    baby: aged 21 months, Gender: Male

    What do i love about my baby:? Absolutely everything

    My baby likes: Playing with his toy cars & trains

  2. 1. What is your favorite kind of bottles?  Playtex

    2.  What is your nursery theme?  Parisian Pink and Black

    3. What is your bedding theme?  Black and white gingham with light pink stripes and polkadots.

    4. What kind of swing you have or getting?  Fisher-Price Smart Response swing

    5. What kind of stroller you like?  When baby was very little I had a Graco Metro-Lite with snap in carrier, now that she's 18 months I have a red Maclaren umbrella stroller that I love!

    6.  What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born?  Never used one, just bathed her with me or in the sink.

    7.  If you pregnant how far along you are?  n/a

    8.  When you due? n/a

    9. Do you know what you having?  Yes I found out. After two boys finally a girl.

    10.  If you already have your baby. Age and gender?  Girl age 18 months

    11. . What you love about your baby?  She's a tom-boy and she doesn't take any c**p from her brothers.

    12. What does your baby like?  When we say, "pwweww! Stinky feet!" she laughs and laughs.  and when we chase her around the house.

  3. Just for fun.. I am little bored.

    1. What is your favorite kind of bottles.

    Playtex Drop-Ins

    2. What is your nursery theme

    Forever Friends - it's blue and beige and has different animals

    3. What is your bedding theme.

    Same as above.

    4. What kind of swing you have or getting.

    Rainforest Swing - Selling it in the yard sale this weekend, lol

    5. What kind of stroller you like.

    My graco travel system stroller

    6. What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born.

    My son is now bathing in a big blow up duck.  LOL  That sounds hilarious.

    7. If you pregnant how far along you are.

    No, I'm not

    8.When you due

    I was due Oct 20th

    9. Do you know what you having.

    I had a boy

    10. If you already have your baby. Age and gender.

    Boy, almost 9 months

    11. What you love about your baby.


    12. What does your baby likes.

    Food.  He's a pig.  :)

  4. 1. i think they are playtex vent air (sp?)

    2.not sure yet havent bought it yet!

    3. not sure yet. boy stuff isnt as cute as girls! lol

    4. the aquarium one that swings both ways

    5.i have a graco one- its big and it works well

    6. a regular one, then the one that sits there,  then the seat one that goes ont he side of the tub 20 weeks 2 days

    8. dec. 10th

    9.its A BOY!!

    10. A girl, she is 2 years old

    11. i cant wait to meet him, i loved seeing him on the ultrasound, my daughter i love caus she is just so darn amazing

    12. not sure hwt ayou mean


  5. 1. Playtex Nurser

    2. Garden (bright colors)

    3. Garden with flowers and polka dots

    4. Graco ($10 from yard sale)

    5. Graco ($30 for whole travel system from consignment sale)

    6. A regular infant tub ($1 from yard sale)

    7. 29 weeks

    8. Oct. 9th

    9. my 2nd girl (Marley Layne)

    10. my oldest daughter is 4 1/2 (Alyssa Lynelle)

    11. I love that she is so active

    12. She likes when I eat cereal, drink juice/water

  6. 1. What is your favorite kind of bottles.I love Avent bottles?They are great.

    2. What is your nursery theme?

    Don't have a nursery

    3. What is your bedding theme?

    Fisher Price Rainforest

    4. What kind of swing you have or getting?The rainforest cradle swing

    5. What kind of stroller you like?Any is fine.I love the travel system one the best

    6. What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born? A small one that sets in our bath tub

    7. If you pregnant how far along you are?

    Im not

    8.When you due?

    9. Do you know what you having?

    10. If you already have your baby. Age and gender? 4 months old & boy

    11. What you love about your baby?

    Everything He is precious

    12. What does your baby like?To be played with,talked to,he loves to "talk" and smile.He is very friendly

  7. 1. Bottles: I don't know about the bottles yet 'cause I haven't had my baby yet!  October is fast approaching though, yay!

    2. Nursery Theme: Jungle theme!  I'm having a little boy.

    3. Bedding: Jungle too.

    4. Swing: Not sure yet.

    5. Stroller: I'm going with Graco - one of those combo kind.

    6. Tub: Not sure, my friend picked out her favorite one already (that she uses for her little boy), so I'll have to wait and see!

    7. How far along?: 29 weeks!

    8. Due?: October 10th!

    9. Know what I'm having?: A baby boy!

    10. Already have baby?: Nope, preggo with the first.

    11. Love about Baby: I love feeling him move - he kicks so hard!

    12. Baby's Likes?: Not sure yet, but I'll soon know!

    Cool poll - best wishes!!!

  8. 1. What is your favorite kind of bottles. Playtex Ventair

    2. What is your nursery theme. Tinkerbell

    3. What is your bedding theme. Pastel colors to match walls.

    4. What kind of swing you have or getting. Fisher Price Rainforest swing.

    5. What kind of stroller you like. I have a Graco travel system that I love.

    6. What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born. I have a cheap simple one that my daughter out grew at 5 months old cause shes so long.

    7. If you pregnant how far along you are. n/a

    8.When you due. n/a

    9. Do you know what you having. I did know.

    10. If you already have your baby. Age and gender. Female 7 months old.

    11. What you love about your baby. Her smiles and personality.

    12. What does your baby likes. Crawling, trying to stand, and her toys.

  9. 1. I used to use Avent, but now I use Born Free

    2. Sports theme

    3. The bedding is navy blue and light blue

    4. We have the Fisher Price Cradle Swing

    5. We have the Peg Perego (single) and the Bob Duallie (Double)

    6. I can't remember the brand of tub, it is the same one my daughter used

    7. N/A, had my baby 5 weeks ago

    8. N/A

    9. N/A

    10. I have a 3 year old girl and a 5 week old boy

    11. I LOVE everything about my kids from the top of their heads to the bottoms of their toes

    12. My baby loves when I rub his feet, it calms him down almost instantly

  10. 1. What is your favorite kind of bottles.

    I'm going to try to breastfeed... but if it doesn't work out I'm still going to pump:)

    2. What is your nursery theme

    I'm thinking either snoopy (personal reason) or a jungle theme (or just monkeys)

    3. What is your bedding theme.

    will be the same as above

    4. What kind of swing you have or getting.

    none yet

    5. What kind of stroller you like.

    I like the travel systems best that have the carrier that can be used as a car seat.... but with me having a two door car, I believe I'm going to get a car seat to just keep in the car and get a different stroller who knows..

    6. What kind of baby bath tub you have or planning to use when the baby born.

    my soon to be mother in law found a cute one at walmart... dont know what kind it is

    7. If you pregnant how far along you are.

    15 weeks tomorrow:)

    8.When you due

    January 16,  2009

    9. Do you know what you having.

    not yet

    10. If you already have your baby. Age and gender.

    11. What you love about your baby.

    12. What does your baby likes.

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