
Just for fun--It's a short week on Wall Street. Are you a bull or bear for the week ?

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Oil- Up or Down?

Gold- Up or Down?

Dow- Up or Down?

US Dollar- Up or Down?

Have a great 4th of July and thanks for answering...




  1. The stock market went down so much last week I expect it to go up.

    Oil- Up

    Gold- Down

    Dow- Up

    US Dollar- Up

    Just my guesses.

  2. A week is too short for me. Any substantial news can change a week.

    I have just turned negative again. I went back in at Easter. Have taken a small hit. I thought we would have some vision of things improving in the future by now.

    Right now the recovery they were expecting for "the last half of 2008" doesn't look like it will happen.

    Everything looks down to me now.

    I am going back to cash.

    I am waiting for something to break before going back in. Oil or housing has to stabilized, or both or earnings will be hit too much and the market would be down.

    Even globally things are looking worse and slowing so exports will not bail us out as much as thought.

  3. Overall Market sentiment is still negative.  So go short on the index futures.

  4. Ewwww, hate questions like this!  LOL  I would be ever so slightly bullish on the market because, a. it is due for at least a modest bounce, b. it is the beginning of a new month and quarter, and c. there is also a tendency for the market to be up ahead of holidays.  

    Otherwise, still think we are in a leg down in this bear market.  Ultimately, the market will go where it wants to go.

    Scott Cole

  5. This is what I'm talkin' about!!

    Good post.

    Oil flat to down slightly.

    Gold flat to down slightly

    Dow will be up...barely

    Dollar flat to up slightly.

    In short the guys are already in the hamptons....

  6. Rule of thumb, sell in may and go away...

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