
Just for fun. Sarah Palin or Barack Obama ?

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By the way if sarah palin was such a hot shot how come nobody expected McCain to pick her ? And why wasn't she running for president ?




  1. Your name says something you don't have.

  2. I'm not sure I understand the question....

    Here's my question-

    Why is it that suddenly there are a TON of people coming out of the woodwork, all them them saying,"Oh, I'm so glad McCain chose her.  I've been behind Palin since...."



  3. Palin-------all the wayyyyyyyyy!

    Go Team McCain/Palin '08

  4. She was Mayor of a village of under 6,000 people and then became Governor of Alaska.  She is still untested and unproven and lacking much of a track record.  It is impressive that she managed to rise so quickly, but she is still a Washington outsider, an unknown, and lacks experience and any sort of network beyond Alaska.  

  5. I prayed that she would be picked when she was on the list months, and I mean months ago.

    There is a God!

  6. Palin. Is Obama is the best the dems can serve up? I think Triumph the Insult Dog hand puppet could beat him.  

  7. Palin.  Obama is a horrible choice.  I don't understand why people can't see how dangerous he is.  I truely fear for the future of our country if he is elected.  

  8. Sarah Palin!!

  9. Palin.

    She has more experience than Obama, and better judgement.  

  10. obama '08 ; vote for change

  11. B O unfortunately I can't vote. It's American family matter.

  12. Hey tell me you heard of obama before he started to run for president.  huh?   ya thats what i thought

  13. obama! love him.

    its a shame i cant vote yet because im not legal age but hes looking out for us youth,the future.i will literally get down on my knees and thank god when obama  is given his keys to the whitehouse!

  14. Obama, of course!

  15. Funny how Obama supporters now have to compare their canidates INEXPERIENCE to the experience to the VP on the other ticket. Pathetic!

  16. i know, right? McCain has gone out of his mind in my opinion.

    Obama's got my vote right now.

  17. Obama

  18. Neither! I think a lot of people will simply stay home and not vote. Sad but true

  19. 1) Not every politician aims to be president. or

    2) Perhaps she was following the normal course of things, that is to say she was gaining experience before she decided to run!  (Unlike Obama, who was slated to run for Governor of IL, not the presidency, next on his list.)

    Palin has more governmental exp than Obama AND she has actual governing experience. Obama has none!  (0, zilch, zippo, nada)

  20. Obama hands down..I would be frightened if she were my leader.

  21. Nobody thought that McCain would be so stupid.   Does any body know if her nude photos have hit the internet yet ?

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