
Just for fun...what things is your 6 month old doing now?

by  |  earlier

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Just love to hear what other babies the same age as my son are doing. I know everyone is different though! :) I also know mommies love to share!




  1. my 7 month old was sitting up amayzingly and babbling a lot and rolling everywhere crawling backwards extreamly interested in everything loves to try and drink out of open bottles (i wouldnt pore it in his mouth but i would slowely and carefully let it touch his lips) he absoulutely loves it and is so interested in drinking out of a cup. Oh and clapping his hands he did that alllll the time and still does. lol and also loved his cat and watches him and dives to pet him. and so so much i just cant list it all i keep edditing my answer lol

  2. My son is going to be 7 months in 10 days and right now he is on the floor on his play mat.  He loves touching absolutely everything and playing with his feet.  He has really improved in sitting alone, and is usually good for a few minutes till something out of reach draws him off balance.  He doesn't really crawl so much as slither!  He babbles a lot and is obsessed with blowing raspberries on anything he can get his lips on.  What a fun age don't you think?

  3. My bub's actually 9 mths but at 6 mths, he was able to sit on his own but couldn't do much else.  He'd been pretty slow in getting head control (only really good at about 5 mths!) so I was surprised when in the last month, he started rolling over heaps, then began crawling and is now pulling himself up to stand... and saying "dadada" (I'm still waiting for "mama"!)

    What's your bub up to?

  4. my son can sit although can go sideways.  He never liked doing "tummy time" when he was younger, now that I put him on his tummy he straight away rolls over to avoid doing it!  two days ago he started smacking his lip as in a kiss - when he wakes up I can hear him practicing this new skill.  He responds to his name, but he loves to search for our cat whenever we call "Fluffy".  He is always trying to pat Fluffy but our poor cat avoids him since he tends to pull Fluffy's hair or ears.

    My son is 6 months old today!

  5. My sweet Eli can sit unassisted, can crawl unsteadily, smiles all the time, laughs at everything and babbles non stop!

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