
Just for girls:- Wouldn't you think it is weird if a boy just walked up to you and asked you were?

by  |  earlier

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I just think it's pretty random. . Putting me in the situation i would think i might find it a bit stalker-ish (can't really explain proply but hope you understand me) thanks




  1. You might try to introduce yourself first.

    If someone came up to me and asked who I was

    I would probably freak out.

  2. ummm.....yea.....sorryy, i dont really understand ur question? "if a boy just walked up to u and asked you ""WERE"? WHAT??

  3. Huh ? sorry but i would answer your question if i knew what you were tlking about

  4. please proof read      ????//

  5. And asked ... if you were WHAT?

  6. EVERYONE: heres what hes trying to say:

    Just for girls:- Wouldn't you think it is weird if a boy just walked up to you and asked who you were...

    hes missing the word "who" so it becomes confusing, please go back and answer his question...!

    Yep, its very odd.... :)

  7. i'm a little confused with your question...can you clarify a little bit more?


  8. yes i would b scared

    unless its like in a hallway at school or something....but it would still b weird

  9. "asked you were"... what does that mean?

    *Edit.. Thanks for the clarification

    It might be wierd but why not, stranger things can happen. All he asked is how you were doing. Sometimes you just have to sense someone and see what happens.

    Obviously if you're getting bad vibes, just ignore and carry on with your life.

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