
Just found out I have prostrate cancer. What should I expect?

by  |  earlier

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found the tumor on a biopsy where they took 12 samples and found a small tumor in one of them. My doctor is recommending brachytherapy or as he put it, seed therapy.

I am reading the material the doctor gave me, but am wondering what I really need to be expecting.




  1. I had prostate cancer in 2005 and had proton radiation for it.. I think it is the very best treatment for prostate cancer there is.. It has a 90% cure rate and little to no side effects..I was not sick or even felt bad one day during or after my treatments as a result of the treatments.. Proton radiation is very different from conventional radiation in that 90% of the treatment energy is delivered exactly to the tumor being treated.. therefore no surrounding body tissue or organs are damaged..thus no side effects...I had my treatments at Loma Linda University Medical center in Loma Linda Calif... There is a website called Proton Bob that tells alot about prostate cancer and proton radiation... it is great if you go there be sure and read the Patient Testimonial section and you will see that any one who has ever had proton radiation for prostate cancer is as sold on it as I am...and why not a 90% cure rate and little to no side effects..All of my"plumbing " works just like before.. Its like I had a 9 week vacation in southern california and Im psa is .13...thats point one three!!! and still going down... Also there is a book just recently out called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER written by Robert J. Marckini,  a prostate cancer survivor... It tells all about prostate cancer and then goes into detail about each type treatment there is plus it gives the pros and cons and side effects of each type treatment... it is a great book any one with prostate problems should read it.. It can be purchased barnes and noble and other book stores or on line at the Proton Bob website.. I hope this helps.  If  you happen to have any questions about my experience with prostate cancer or proton radiation, please feel free to email me here at yahoo answers.. have a good day and I wish you the best of luck... One other thing ...if you get the right treatment ... prostate cancer is no real big  problem in my opinion...also lots of doctors wont recommend proton radiation... because if they send you else where they dont make any money, they dont know about it or think it is still experimental... 4-5 hospitals in the US now offer it and due to Loma Lindas great success with it over the last 17 years many hospitals have facilities for it under construction currently...M D anderson in houston just opened their facility that they built and copied from loma linda...I would also recommend one other thing... dont let your doctor or any doctor tell you what type treatment you should have... you should research it and decide which treatment is best for you and your situation..most doctors are going to treat you the way they are trained or the way they know how ... which some times may not be the best for you.. I met so many men while having my treatments who had followed their doctors advise and their treatment didnt work and they were at loma linda getting proton radiation.. You can get a harmone or Lupron shot and it will put the cancer on hold for 3-4 months ...thats not a problem... again I would say chose the treatment that your comfortable with... I personally would not even consider any treatment other than Proton Radiation... but thats me...I did my research and Im glad I did..... dont panic.....Also my cousin had the seed implants last year and lost alot of the control of his bowels... I know two people this has happened to from seed implants... it is so important to find out the side effects.. the answer from billy  listed below is not correct about proton radiation...however I am assuming he is talking about conventional radiation and does not know about proton radiation...sorry but its just not correct..I will also add that I met several people  at loma linda being treated with proton radiation who had  the seed implants and several who had radical surgery...that had not worked or  the cancer had come back....and they were having proton radiatoin treatments to cure their cancer.. and all any of them could say was that they wished they had known about proton radiation before they had the other treatments... however I still say check it out for your self and get the treatment you are most comfortable with.. its your life not the doctors, not mine or not the others who have answered your question... I wish you the very best...I have added more to my answer than I first sent!!!!!!!

  2. Very sorry to hear that!   You really need to talk with someone who has done it and get their opinion.   Hopefully someone will help you!  

  3. It just all depends on if it is a cancerous tumor, and if it has spread. Hopefully you have caught it early. Im thinking since its a small tumor, you have caught it early. If thats the case you should be fine, its when it spreads to other organs it becomes more deadly. Keep faith and pray, thats the best thing you can go.  

  4. Seed therapy is radiation and it was my first choice but couldn't be done in the VA Hospital. Too expensive. With radiation the cancer is not always cured and can come back. I feel it's your best choice but you need a PSA every 6 months. Stay away from hormones if at all possible. Too many side effects. Good luck.

  5. Hi Billy, firstly you need to stay calm and in control of your own health! Don't let anyone, Dr's included, push you into treatments you know nothing about! Do some on-line research first and know whats best for you. The good news my friend is that its been caught early - your chances of a full recovery are excellent! A piece of advice to you mate - liquidise fresh broccoli and fresh tomatoes, either together or seperately and drink copious amounts of both! A man in his late 70's was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer and was given little hope.His wife began giving him liquidised broccoli 3 / 4 times a day and the cancer disappeared!!! Strange but true - never, ever give up hope because hope is all you have! Wishing you all the very best of luck - fight and the world will fight with you! x

  6. you have prostate* cancer.

  7. to not be full as much chit

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