
Just found out I was adopted.?

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I just found out I was adopted yesterday (17) and had no idea

I sort of went to my room and thats where I stayed I feel weird not sad or angry just weird, I guess I am still reeling. What did you feel when you found out?




  1. I knew from a very early age that I was adopted, and so did our 2 adopted children- so I am sure that made it easier then if told later. First I am sorry that they waited to tell you- but do not be angry at your parents- they thought they were doing the right thing.  I bet you have lots of questions.  Work through all those emotions, don't let them eat away at you- if you get angry tell your parents, if you feel sad tell them.  How did you find out? That can make a difference on how your react as well- good luck- and I hope things work out for you.

  2. Maybe it's best to tell a child from the moment they can understand.  Try to realize that they choose you and probably had to pay a lot of money for you.  Many people who are born into a family are not loved and not wanted.  Be grateful to your parents and thank them because they love you just as much as if you had been their biological child and you love them this much too.

    I have been orphaned because my biological parents are deceased and my brother is too.  Did you know that Christians are the adopted children of God?  So, I am adopted also.  I am grateful.

  3. Well, that's quite a thing to find out.  Unfortunately, there are people who don't find out about their adoptive status until they are somewhat (or quite a bit in some cases) older.  There are a lot of feelings that can go with this, and they are totally normal.

    Here are some links to Websites for Late Discovery Adoptees.

    This Website,   is for all adoptees, although some who come to it are Late Discovery Adoptees.  There is a section in it specifically for teens.

  4. I've never been adopted, loved. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I know it can be hard; and I feel the kind of pain you're in. To be honest, I can give you a really good tip to get through it: it's past. Don't linger on it, it's the past. Think ahead to the future.

  5. I felt lost to the world..but i got over it quick,because i was raised by great people and i have great family members. I feel like im there child,and my real parents missed out on ah great kid.

    Keep your mind on your future,and the ones that took you in and loved you as there own. I tried looking for my real parents,to find out they did not want to meet me in any kind of way,and that hurt more then anything. So i suggest,just move on. But if you decide one day to look for your real parents,remember that there might be some letdowns and disappointments and alot of hurt feelings if you don't get the answers or the love your looking for out of your birth parents.

    Hope this helps,and god bless.

  6. I am sorry that you feel so shocked. I would advise you to go talk to your Amom and Adad and ask them as many questions as you have to ask.

  7. I spent my childhood feeling unwanted, wishing someone loved me enough to adopt me.  It may still feel weird not know where you biologically came from but be happy for the fact that you had someone that loved you enough to adopt you.

  8. come to  people there will help you.

    i'm really sorry you found ou tthis way:(

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