
Just found out i have had a missed miscarriage last week help please?

by  |  earlier

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well i just got it confirmed i have had a missed miscarriage and have been tryin 2 go natural from sun the bleedin was heavy had 2 go up 2 hospital and the start of the week mon and tues been bleedin and sore went up 4 a scan yesterday for them 2 check and see is it comin down any but it only has a bit still loads of tissue round the sac they say as they cant tell me how long it will be goin naturally am now thinkin about goin in 4 a d&c as i could be waitin another couple of weeks and dont know if i just afraid of goin in2 hospital incase when they are doin the d&c incase they hit somethin inside any1 that has had it done is it sore afterwards nned some advice thanks




  1. i am vey sorry for your what you are going through i have been there twice and had d&c both times and it is nothing to it i had mine done 4 months apart after the d&c i was fine very little cramping i just wanted it all over with  

  2. I am so sorry for your loss and the fact that there are so many stupid people commenting on your grammar at this question!

    I had a miscarriage in January and had a d&c.

    It wasn't as bad as i had expected! Its always scary going to hospital but as long as you have someone with you it will be fine!

    After i took some pain killers for a few days then felt better!

    Good luck in the future.

  3. Chick i had the same in may. I decided to go natural but my bleedin wasn't as bad to go to the hospital. The bleedin on average lasts 2 weeks. Mine lasted 4 weeks but it was more like a normal period. If it's too much for you go for the d n c, my mate has had two and she was ok, i promise!

  4. I am sorry your going through this! My heart and prayers are with you!

    First of all, get the D&C. Although I've never had a MC i've been there for a friend and it was hard enough for her to go through it naturally. The D&C will also help you if your TTC faster. My friend later had a healthy baby girl and got pregnant right after she gave birth which resulted in another MC. She got a D&C that time and thanks God everyday she didn't go through it naturally.

    You'll be sore after the D&C and maybe even some back pain.

    The hospital knows what they are doing. If you feel uneasy at any point tell the doctors and nurses.

    Good luck to you! I'll be in my prayers!  

  5. First, I'm very sorry for your loss.  I know how painful that is.  I lost my fourth baby to miscarriage last month (though it was my first miscarriage).  I had a D&C done.  It really wasn't as bad as you've heard.  I was sore and tired for a couple of days but motrin was enough to take care of the pain.  After that I felt normal.  Plus, by having the D&C, I cut my wait-time for the next pregnancy down significantly and I felt better when it was all over.  Good luck.

    Edit:  If other answerers don't understand the question, then don't answer!!  This poor woman is going through enough without you insulting her intelligence as well!

  6. I had a miscarriage in January and opted to allow it to come naturally, but after 3 days I had lost so much blood that I had to go in for a D & C and a blood transfusion.  Emotionally it made it easier, and if I had to choose again I would have the D & C straight away for emotional and physical reasons.  

    I am now 20 weeks pregnant again, so the D & C didn't prevent me falling pregnant again, so don't worry on that account.  Just do what is physically and emotionally best for you now.

    My heart is going out to you and I truly understand what you are going through.

  7. I'm soooooo Sorry, I had a missed miscarriage in March and i had the pill  to help me with everything, and ive been fine, Iv had irregular periods since the miscarriage.

    Hope it all goes well  for you

    And sorry again

  8. I'm am soo soo sry for your loss the same thing happened to min march i decided to go with the d &c a couldn't stand the thought of see all the clots and stuff the surgery was scary the pain was very minimal i had one and only one really bad cramp i am really sorry do what you feel is best for you and your body just make sure you have a good dr. and you'll be fine the best of luck to you in the future.

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