
Just found out im pregnant...?

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ok well iv just found out im pregnant and i don't want to tell the dad because he allways said that if i got pregnant he would punch me in my tummy intill the baby died. We are no longer togeather i havnt told anyone yet.

should i just tell people and him that the dad was from a 1 night stand????

please help




  1. congrats!

    I would tell a few close friends first, then ask them to come with you when you tell the dad..or better yet, phone him and tell him.

  2. I wouldnt tell him. With an attitude like that he doesnt deserve to be a father.

  3. Wow, that's a toughie. If you think he is serious, then I would not tell him yet. Also, when you do, get a restraining order against him. I am so sorry you are going through this sweetie. Just hang in there and try to enjoy your pregnancy!

  4. if any man said that about a woman he got pregnant with his child doesnt deserve to be a father in my eyes! you didnt state how old you are or what situation you are in at the moment, have you though of bringing the child up on your own? it doesnt matter what people think this is YOUR child and you will do the best for it and if you do decide to tell the father and he doesnt want to know then you CAN do it on your own and your friends will probably support you, your better off without i violent partner or a dead beat dad! good luck hunny!! x*x

  5. tell your dad he might help you you never know

  6. why are you sleeping with this man if he threatens you and if your no longer together? You have to have s*x to get pregnant...

    Dont tell people that the father is from a one night stand, you dont have to tell anyone who the father is. If people ask, just say that the father is not in the picture. Assuming you dont want the father in the picture. Perhaps you want to stay in this abusive relationship.

    If i was you i would seek counselling as soon as possible, someone needs to talk to you, and hopefully offer you some real help.

  7. This is a difficult situation, I wouldn't tell anyone just yet, maybe a close family member, just to share your joy. Wait until after the 3 month mark before telling friends and the rest of your family.

    With the threat your ex-boyfriend made, I don't think you need to tell him anything. He will no doubt find out anyway, and if he calls or comes around, tell him that yes, he is the father, but he's not to come around because of the threat he made. Tell him you will think about letting him see the child when he/she is born but only supervised access.

    TELL EVERYONE WHAT HE THREATENED TO DO! If he ever did manage to hurt you, everyone would automatically know it was him. The best medicine for a "man" who threatens or actually does harm a woman and/or her unborn child is everyone knowing about it. Nobody likes scum like that.

    Finally, congratulations and good luck!

  8. If I was you I would tell him, but if u don't see him then thats up to you if you want him to know! If you know what hes not going to be interested then he doesn't need to know. I wouldn't tell people that you don't know whose the babies father is, just been truthful.

  9. I doubt you have anyway out of it you intend to keep this baby, If you are really worried and think he will carry this threat out then i suggest either telling him over the phone without revealing where you are or get a family friend to tell him for you, This way he will have time to calm down, It will be a big suprise for him, and it sounds like he wont be very happy but this is your life and your baby and he has no right to punch you in the stomach, or even make the threat. If you are really scared of your dad, go to the police, they will find you the proper support you need. Good luck

  10. he has a right to know but from what you told me about him, i wouldnt tell him, but if you tell him the baby is from a one night stand then him and people will think your a s**t.

    congratulations anyway

  11. i mean you shoudnt lie about the babys father. you could wait and then tell the father after the babys born and before you do that you could get a restraining ordr

  12. That is absolutely horrible and disgusting.

    If you are pregnant with his child, and he actually said this, then you need to get a restraining order and/or secure yourself. For your sake and the baby's, please don't tell him when you're alone. Take a male friend or two so that he won't hurt you.

    There's no need to tell anyone anything yet. Most women wait for 3 months to tell anyone they're pregnant. Confide in a best friend and sort out a plan of action before dealing w/ the father.

    And it's ok to not have the baby, if you decide that he/she won't be born into a safe situation.

    I suggest you seek counseling from a professional in either case. You are in a very abusive relationship; at least verbally, and you need help.

    Best wishes to you and your baby.

  13. I wouldn't tell him!

    When he does find out say one night stand after you split up! Sounds to stupid to work out dates so you should be okay!

    good luck!

  14. I wouldnt tell him untill your at least 6 months gone, and even then i would tell him over the phone!! This man is an a*****e and doesnt deserve to be apart of this childs life after that threat, just make sure you get the child maintenance your child needs from him by contacting the child support agency!!

    I defo would not say i got pregnant from a one night stand that just makes you look cheap and a tart!! which your not so dont belittle yourself because of this man!!

  15. OMG! sorry but i feel really bad for you..anyways ummm i would not tell him in person i would like text him or call him and then...until the baby is born and when you have the child make sure you are ALWAYS with somebody!

  16. How old are you? If you are young, and your parents are still very much involved in your life, which I assume and hope that they are, than you should definatly tell them first and get their advice.

       If you decide to tell him, which in a way you have an obligation to do(BUT, you also have an obligation to protect yourself and the child growing inside of you FIRST!) Remember that!, However, if you do tell him, I would have someone their with you, DO NOT do it alone!

       Please dont lie to everyone, that makes you look bad. Be safe. Good Luck!

  17. every dad has the right but from what you just said i would wait to the baby is born then tell him coz the baby is already born  good luck

  18. He said a thing like that? he's not worth bothering with, any guy who hits a girl is nothing but a sad git

  19. you *definitely* need to get a restraining order against him.

    don't bother warning him ahead of time but when the baby is born, slap him with court papers for support and also get full custody and either no visitation or only supervised visits.  unless he actually does demonstrate a propensity for violence, he can't be blocked from seeing the baby.  good news is, guys who talk like that are usually more show than go - they talk the talk but when it comes time to walk the walk, they run.  he'll also likely never bother to see the baby but he still has to pay child support.  if he tries to refuse the DNA test, that automatically rules against him.

    MAKE SURE everybody knows what he said and also make sure everybody knows he's welcome to see the baby (under whatever terms the court applies) so if he wants to run around crying how you won't let him see the baby (and try to use that as a basis for custody suit) he's already spiked.

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