
Just found out my baby sis is pregnant by my brother in law supposedly How do i forgive either of them?

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well it turn out she has been sleeping around i have found five lads who have admitted to sleeping with her in the past two months now shae says she is 6 wks pregnant. but has told all six lads including my brother in law its theres.




  1. keep out of it and let her get on with her muddled up life

  2. was she on the maury show last week?

  3. if she keeps the baby she will have to wait until its born before a dna test can be carried out , all the guys will need to agree being tested also .

    Good Luck she`ll need it !

  4. Wow - sounds like someone should have been looking out for her before this!  Sorry -but what a slag!!

    Can't do a DNA test until the baby is born.  

    Jeez, I'm glad I'm not her - what an absolute mess

  5. What is there to forgive?  Your sister needs help & support not condemnation.  Overly sexulised behaviour can be a sign of deep unhappiness.  It doesn't mean she is a slag, it means there is a lot more going on there than meets the eye.  Believe it or not, those that have been sexually abused can turn to having lots of sexual partners.  Also, it can be a sign that your sister feels desperately unhappy and unloved so she is using s*x as a way to feel good about herself.

    Perhaps, instead of putting her down you should be talking to her & helping her - although, if this is the attitude she is facing from her own sister, I dread to think what the rest of the family are doing to her.  No wonder she is seeking love & comfort in inappropriate places.

  6. Yes, DNA tests can be done before the baby is born, but many place don't like to.

    As regards to your sister, I assume by your question that she isn't married/engaged/going out with your brother in law. If that's NOT true, (and they are married) then what has it to do with you? Sure your sister may have slept around a bit, but let her do as she wants. No offence to you, but If she can't keep her legs or mouth shut, then that's not your problem

  7. omg, no dna test can be done until the baby is born,thats if she is keeping guessing she doesnt know who the daddy may be sad sad old is your sis? i think you need to have a long chat to your little sis as she doesnt sound mature enough to fetch up a child, then what about stds what she could have got .

  8. Hi,

    Well she should really think about what she wants to do regarding the baby and in meantime learn to take contraceptives as she also risking getting sexually transmitted diseases too.

    She may be carrying a harmful disease that can cause implications for her and her baby so it best she gets checked out.

    No DNA test can be done before baby is born and so she will have to wait but will cost her a lot if she has 6-7 men to test!



  9. there is no Dna test that can be done before the baby is born.

    she will have to wait till she gives birth,then get in contact with the 5 people she slept with, then test all of them to see who is the father.

    Its also best if she does this before the baby is 6 weeks old, as that's when the baby needs to be registered and without the true father there the baby will have no name where father is on the birth certificate. This might damage the child's mental health later in life.

  10. You can't really forgive either of them since it doesn't really involve you directly. It just means that you're more aware of what type of people they are. If the baby is his your brother in law might still be your brother in law but with a different sister...

    It'll teach him a thing or two though now he can't have his cake and eat it too

  11. Oh god sounds messy, I know there is a test that can be performed before the baby is born however it does cost money and mostly carried out in London hospitals. I also know there is quite a high risk to the baby if you decide to have one of them done as they can bring on miscarriage.

    Hope this helps x

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